
It’s for several reasons. Main reason is because they get flooded with shill accounts that post videos that have no truth, and eat hard space. They also don’t want people posting comments that are trolling hate shills. Penny Lozner with Sandy Hoax has several minions that help him. If you have a history of truth spreading on the internet, send the info to Jason with VoiceOfReason and ask him for an account.

same cast of characters

I laughed when they posted that on Twitter that same day. It’s ridiculous how they think we are buying this BS!

Excellent my 2 hero s.Much Love from the Netherlands 😉

When the sold out politicians call for gun control, it naturally falls on deaf ears. But when a so called "student-movement" arises from the ashes of the latest school shooting hoax, people might listen. We need to more fully expose these players in the Parkland hoax because they will quickly move on from this to their next staged event and this one will be forgotten.

yep! They ALWAYS follow up with local stories somehow connected! For example, the Ft Frauderdale Airport, when I was living in Indiana they tied some family from Indy being there, and then I look into them and they were sketchy as hell. They also follow up the mass shootings with smaller local ones, and even smaller ones before a Major event. It’s all intentional!

they are going for the whole she bang people better wake up quick.

We are up against some unfair agendas and groups. Feinstein knows this shit is staged and yet being the diabolical creature she is has the audacity to try and capitalize off of it and implement their wicked agenda.

Cassandra, yes, they are! Lol

you are going to have to put it in your browser url

Thanks for clearing that up for me cassandra!

those Great Mills kids were marching in solidarity with the Parkland kids just days before

Florida governor Scott has been milking this state in psyop after psyop. He was sworn in during the Zika virus psyop, and his wife was found to be benefitting in profit from the zika vaccine. Governor scott is a former Hospital manager. He is heavily tied to the health care industry. Follow that rabbit , it leads to how these hospitals comply with these events. Its coming from the top.

Yes. I guess I meant the Best of the Worst!

A lot of the florida counties are run by freemartins. A few of the police chiefs and higher ups are definitely female to male freemartins. Check out grady judd from Polk county, and the sheriff chris nocco and his staff in pasco county. Many dont believe this yet but the elites in law enforcement are martins. I think they collaborate with the army freemartins. This state of florida is half military already so I think thats why we see this shit here more frequently as of late.

FYI, Niven1, my late husband had cancer surgery in his left femur and used his cane in his right hand for the best stability. It’s seems counter-intuitive, but it’s not.

there was also a major winter storm coming, where did they find this "witness," a homeless shelter?

Oh, my!rn

@Southpaw —- so you think it looks like 9:30pm with that sunlight and position of the sun in the sky?