
I love Jim Fetzer. I actually Love the man. If I ever found out he was a fraud I’d probably wear black for 40 years. But he does say things as fact that haven’t exactly been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.I wish he wouldn’t do that because it hurts his credibility. He wrong sometimes . . Like Chistopher Hansen being and actor named Bjorn something. But nobody’s perfect I suppose.

Hearts on Fire. I’ve been using the term Fake News for at least 6 years now. I think Trump stole it from me. Anyway I have been watching the comments and thumbs up/down on the Fake News’s own yootoob channels for years now. With each passing Phony Fake Show I see more and more Thumbs Downs. Some people are reluctant to comment on the videos but Thumbs Downs are anonymous. The % of Thumbs Downs the Fake New’s videos receive is a good sign. The only way to stop this fraud is when the majority stop falling for it and arent afraid to say it.

Even in the videos from when he was a child you can see something just ain’t right

So someone verify so I know its not just my eyes but is he wearing the same clothes in all this footage?

Heck yeah Alice. The bill that was introduced 2 weeks before the school Phony Fake Show has metal detectors written right in it. And Chertoff will be right up front with his "bid". The sleeping among us have no clue how much money is to be made off this. Police and schools will get tons of money as well as psychiatrists and other private businesses chosen by politicians. Money , so much of it. That is the primary motivation, money.

isn’t the amount of propaganda being spewed at insane levels. They are really trying to enact a police state coup over the american people. I hate to say it but this is what it appears to be.

stay frosty

fetzer said she is a 31 year old actress who resides in Brooklyn!!

i work with disabled...her and her cane prop..... lying bitch. can’t go to school cuz of doc appts....bulllshit. only doc appt she needs is a psychiatric one fer her apparent sociopath behavior.

I cannot claim to know anything. Not a thing. BUT I have had strong reason to suspect Q-anon as just another incarnation of wanking controlled opposition.

Since you can observe WTC-7 over Jane Standley’s left shoulder as she reports that it has collapsed, Daylight Savings Time cannot salvage the situation. This was one of the most colossal blunders in collaboration between the intel agencies and the media of all time!

Is there a video about Emma Gonzalez being 31? I would like to see it.

Oh, REALLY? OMG, this is SO f**ked up. And this is where our taxes are going, folks -- propaganda production.

Reminds me of Boston where all of those women were so happy with their new stumps and loved showing them off.

Thanks William you are awesome brother , keep up the great work !

From 1:23 - 1:33, look like Paddock?

Awesome information , thank you !

Yup! That is why she has to wipe them so often!!!

Ditto .

No Problem dude, I should be thanking you for what you do:) I don’t have very good talking skills or I’d be out there with you all confronting these liars, I do best writing, and commenting cause it let’s me think out what to say properly. I envy you guys cause and you ability to stay straight when confronting these liars, you are an asset sir please watch your backs:)