
32:05--> "Monstano has now merged with Bayer for --->66.6<--- billion dollars"

thanks! We will bust this Maryland BS wide open! Tag, your turn!

Too funny! It’s ridiculous that they think people are not going to catch this!

Seems like "Simunitions" is a good theory, but it doesn’t change the fact that nobody really got injured and the ones that got injured where the ones that are the actors or people who are paid to be on interviews and camera or whatever. Like the bruise on the eye, how can someone explain that? only make up can. funny thing is she says that it was caused when she fell on the floor, yet forgetting that the head structure is made so they protect the eye which is a vulnerable organ. so the eyebrow and nose and cheekbone, would prevent getting a bruise from falling to the ground. So simunitions or not, it was a lie, if they could have used pure blanks and make up on the same fake victims, then why use simunitions? to make it look more real and so they can have a little more pain? I dont buy it, but then people are so brainwashed they apparently forget the power of bullets and how a supposedly powerful assault rifle is. I dont know, doesn’t make sense when you think the people who spoke to News Networks aren’t the natural speakers that mentioned multiple shooters, and instead are the fake victims with make up and 20+ years old actors and with fake legs, and with a nice color, not a pale one and looking like crap in the hospital.

If she was shot and in pain, she have a CAST on that stupid leg!

You mean stitches don’t just fall off?

STITCHES DO NOT FALL OUT! Coming from a moron that has NEVER had stitches! It fell off cause they were STICKERS!

Why does my avatar show up, lol, for uploader? I must be popular....

Hi Lenny. I am only entrapping you further. I told you this wasnt a fight you wanted. Now you have 12 big fat federal charges I now get to deliver back to you. You signed under law of pergery and now your gonna have to account for this. I am only telling you a very small part of this playbook but if I were you, I would disappear. You can say I am bluffing or not but I have eyes and ears on you and when I go to file subpoenas on you, I am not gonna miss. Go away Lenny. And no eveyone, this is for sure not Felix...its lenny and crew.

This could be one of the worst hoaxes of the year but it’s early yet. By December we’ll have had hundreds if not THOUSANDS of more fake shootings so just hold on.

Trump is an ahole just like Obama. Russia not our enemy. Just a show. I believe some of the women’s claims against Trump. He is a real life bigot. Dumbass alt-right voted for this jerk and they got used. Trump just a show.

She’s so happy when she thinks of her bank account... and if that David Hurst CUNT gets elected, this hoax acting career might be a jumpstart to become a congressman.

She’s so happy when she thinks of her bank account... and if that David Hurst CUNT gets elected, this hoax acting career might be a jumpstart to become a congressman.

David and Emma are cousins. She went to NYU. Hogg might have just went from high school to some type of govt. situation with his dad and Elaine Hogg. Elaine has quite the covert DHS background. Wouldn’t doubt if Elaine trained David and got Emma involved. WRod and his prop key are like Chris Hurst (VA tv shooting) and his prop notebook of love for Allison. Hurst now in Congress. Wanna bet Hogg gets his CNN job.

Please link to the video... I forgot to add my comment!

The fake Felix Pantaleon is posting under my name, please grab that IP and forward me it. Thanks

When the russian fake phony show is over there’s stormy daniels... hey we didn’t even make it in time to complete the gathering of evidence on the fake phony show of Parkland and there’s a terror attack in France with the hero character dead. BY COINCIDENCE he’d just trained for a hostage situation in a supermarket! :-)

Also this website is full of flat earthers. No offense but good luck trying to get traction for your theories with that kind of stuff around.

@ William Hudson - I wouldn’t have used Bill Cooper as an example of a trustworthy truther that went on Alex Jones’ show. ---,_aliens_and_the_Illuminati

When you get your channel back twice, your sold out. It doesnt matter the other 99% good you do. If your in this game to deceive, you should be put away. Richie isnt what he says he is guaranteed. As far as warfare analogies, you must be deceived if you dont think we are at war. In fact the war was almost over without us ever getting to fight back. When the Constitution and our legal system fails us, it will be time for violence. The time for violence is not now.