
Vids default image is her pointing to her third eye...

I bet that who is standing behind the camera, the moulage techs.

Funny too is that her wound is in the thigh muscles that you need the most for climbing.

It is still early in the year but if there is a ’worst’ category she is nominated.

Perhaps she was beaten into a gang on the day before the shooting

Is the cane suppose to be in the left hand when you have a left leg injury, to help support the bad leg?

The slow crawl to agenda 21 seems to have turned I to a jog this year.

She was on cnn laughing with Cooper about 4 days after fake shooting, she looked better then!

This is my first time visiting this channel . Thanks J.bossman .

Conclusive Evidence of "Staged" False Flag Shooting at Stoneman High School in Florida. Research of actual casualties and ID of victims is robust evidence that nobody died.

good thing Eric Garner has FEMA training

Looks like a raccoon! I am already seeing lots of codes in the backgrounds during the preview of the parkland special tonight on CNN. In this one notice the Black Hole Sun painting on her wall. Emma gonzalez has some inttesting stuff in her room also.

The eye is "Moulage" makeup. Crisis actor makeup. All black and blue. No swelling or signs of true hematoma. Claim that shrapnel is lodged BEHIND the eye orbit.... but surgeons think best to leave it in.

No Child Left Behind was a failure because the teachers are too busy with the community organizing to teach the kids how to read, so now they have to have Code red drills to get federal funding

coward county shoulda got her a wheelchair

twitter followers are expensive these days

Good job best footage I have seen