
Several years go, my girlfriend died in a car wreck. I cried uncontrollably like a bitch....for weeks! So, if I seem insensitive to you all I can say is,"Compared to what?" If she doesn’t care enough about her friends to shed real tears, why should I care about them more than she does? Maybe she needs better friends. Or, maybe she needs to move on. At 31 years old, isn’t it time to graduate, Emma?

Just be careful man, to me the dude sounds a little arrogant when he questions you, like he might be trying to get you on so he can edit pieces of what you say for a snuff program.

’This might be really, um, real, but’....OMG. OMG. OMG. I nominate her for the Best Performance by a Crisis Actress 2018.

Bill Cooper was on Alex Jones, and exposed him too but he’s highly regarded among the truth community. Just because your on a show, it doesn’t make you a shill it’s the message you bring to the table, if you provocateur, run with known BS, or Incite violence you should be called out if not than welcome:)

Seems that Amazon kicked you to the curb since you are now hosting with digitalocean

I am so sick to my stomach.

Wouldn’t want anyone to see your collection of dildos now would we, David? Don’t can’t get arrested for possession of swollen property...even with a poodle prior.

Bravo! Everything’s a lie, and that’s the truth. TIME ⏰TO CHANGE 📺 IT ALL.

I would never attack someone unless I felt they were absolute liars, but this lady is full of shit, how the hell is her leg not torn to shreds? Also want to know whats up with the black eye?, I mean did he rough her up too? It’s Really Real folks:)

Ya, I agree! I wish we could get the hard proof to show this little screach for the hand puppet he is....

Thanks Jim

Well said, for this video and prior. :)

haha this fucking kid... oh your rights? fuck you

"I’m fucking 17" lol!!!!! this little satanic spook deserves.......yeah that.

A few years back, I went toe to toe with William Rodriguez, fake hero of 9/11 and about as big of a self absorbed blow-hard as David Hogg. We deconstructed his false narrative of his account of 9/11 and exposed him for the fraud he is. It was really the first time Willy Fraudriguez was exposed for people to see. He eventually became unhinged and had to "recuse himself" from his internet presence. We need to do the same thing to David Hogg and teach him the same lesson we had to teach Willy for his fraud.

"Libido Modification!?" My God, man! They’re not blocking infrared. They’re Cock Blocking! This means war! Oh...BTW...almost all news is fake. Media are the terrorists. Turn them off.

He is one busy deceiver.

Thank you for all that you do. Please stay safe.

Was that women i saw in those clips from Syria? Blame Russia

Yes, I do. I also give thanks. This tags as gullible is a bit unfair. However, to each his own. Peace