
Nobody ever told these people that criminals have guns illegally so they will not hand in their weapons, they will not ask for a gun license. All they will do is shut us, rob us if we can’t defend our selves. Normal people don’t kill other people - PERIOD. So if they will get normal people to give up their guns, all they will accomplish is that the "bad guys" will have an easier way to hurt normal people. Just say CHICAGO. Just say Chicago ever time "they" want a gun ban or any restrictions on gun ownership.

Demonic manifestation.

Hey guys just asking, do you feel this Dude is going to be a part of another Hoax of some kind? Not clairvoyant or anything but this dude is marching on unpopular Territory with he mass populous. What better fuel could the gun grabbers have than to stage some kind of event in where he gets hurt by the opposition? Just saying they have Diane Frakenstiens bill on the table right now.

Hogg got a new tailored suit jacket.

I’d like to meet David Hogg in person and shake his face...

They’ve divided the people with their bullshit. Even counting their fake mass shootings...mass shootings are very rare...basically non-existent . Twilight zone is an understatement.

Lol they robo calling people so they can make Fake Polls, on Fake Shootings, to have Fake talking points on Fake News, go figure

It makes me sick to see so many brainless idiots marching for their own eventual enslavement, and this Hogg dude just takes the cake:P No way in hell some random school child who witnessed a shooting has this much ability, within a month, to get in front of a huge crowd and speak words this way without being scripted. Folks if you listen real closely throughout this Nazi march, you can hear he eerie cries of those who died in despotism’s before us, warning us of whats coming.

Very, very, very funny. Genius find. LOL

Thoughts and Prayers. Trump’s playing golf at Mar-a-Lago.LOL

It is over 700 "injured" now?

Man, this dude feels like a Bono right now

Hello to all 153 truth tellers. Just received a call (at home), for a poll from CNN. Maybe should have listened to the bullshit....but, all I could say was FUCK YOU CNN and hung up.

this march for our lives is one of the worst things ive ever seen. so much propaganda. So much brainwashing going on

We can never give up until this p.o.s. hangs!

President Hogg, you know it’s coming.

And my imagination is on flights of fancy as to what the shiny Falsie Award statuette should look like (wink-wink)

Fucking Twilight Zone ...

(I have to joke and laugh to prevent myself from vomiting all over my keyboard)

Ooh! He up’d his performance! I’m impressed and might have to reconsider his nomination for the Falsie Award in the Best Worst Crisis Actor of the Year category. He should be double-nominated as the Best Main$tream Media Operative.