
Pre recorded live events. It gives different meaning to a live drill. They do the drill first, get the photos and the actors role playing, then what we see on t.v. is mostly the aftermath where there is a bunch of police and vehicles as the live coverage. And during the live coverage they start showing the pre recorded scipt. Those images have to have no meta data to trace its actual time. But in not doing so lead us to reason

I forgot to mention the first image is from the web site to show what a real photo looks like before it has data removed. After this you may see what I am getting at. Dont know where this is going but it does not sit well with me. We get same nonsense from spacex/nasa etc. It appears not only gov institutions are doing this. IDK.. ideas are open. thanx

Person who created this video says she was paid to lie in it:

The new schools in my area are only barb wire short of a a prison. No windows etc and those that are there are 3 stories up. It baffles the mind to think the difference from now since I was in school and was fun!

Welcome. :)

Maddie its not set in stone, it is some good thoughts tho. hopefully some truth can be found. thank you.

Thank you very much.

That’s your opinion and I gave you mine. It’s their Modus Operandi, it’s what they do. The shootings are fake, truck attacks are fake, many plane crashes are fake......fake......fake. This shows you how they operate. I have looked into this event really deeply. Victim’s names, numbers of dead, times, dates you name it, and they are full of hoax code. I stick by my conclusions. In my opinion, what is wrong with the truth community, is that it needs to wake up more and stop accepting half truths.

Been trying to verify dates and time of different photographers. the French deal today’s main guy has a web site thats is offline and has been since wayback machine was online. Weirdness. so I went a different route. Video is up now.rnNot sure how to even do a actual verifcation on when a photo is even taken now. All we get it s the test below the image. all the datas been removed as far as I can see. More weirdness. Not a TAG but working on it :)

yeah i know what you mean. Its a tough battle trying to change someones perception of reality. They have to wake up on their own. Their ego wont accept you being right over them. Its a lot of things but all you can do is plant seeds (Truth) its up to them to water them and grow

Massive propaganda and lies. These humans are too stupid to see he is working for the people he is bitchng about.

My-name-is-Davey-Parker sniff sniff.

I just copied and pasted the quote. Not even sure if he even said it but its true.

Just spoke with a relative who falls for this shit. She won’t listen to proof or facts. Pathetic. She’s convinced Trump is literally Hitler and a fascist (he’s really just a puppet actor) yet she thinks only police and military should have guns...makes me boiling mad

David Hogg was 13 years old in 2013. I believe that video clip you included in your video was intentionally uploaded for disinformation reasons so we would "stumble upon it" to muddy up the water. They do that kind of thing all the time. See my videos named "Florida Visit 2013" and "Elaine" here on that prove this. Hogg will be 18 this year.

Hogg programmed his Google Alexa, "ooh David, you are the best....ooh, give it to me David....yes you will be a CNN reporter because you’re the best.."

Exactly.. i hate censorship, BUT the FE psyop is just so fucking blatantly stupid... it needs to be gotten rid of.

He sniffing like he’s been up all night snorting coke. His handlers probably passed him around like a joint.

I say they Richie Cunningham’d the guy

Brilliant find .