
CNN: "You are a well spoken young man..." He speaketh like a 25 year old man.

Hogg is unhappy about many things. rn One this swine is still a virgin. He was locked in a closet with a few girls and all He could do was play with His microphone .

he talks about how the mentally ill should not be allowed to own a firearm. He is in my book behaving like a sociopath and at worst a full blown psychopath so I say screw your hypocrisy and the agendas behind this mouthpiece.

This cheered me up:

most gun crime is committed by illegally obtained firearms to begin with. Its never about the criminals with guns but always the law abiding citizen with guns because the people behind this don’t give a shit about you or me but want more control with little repercussion for their blatant criminality and obscene wealth transfers.

only about 10 people a day die from gun homicides which is less than the figures from texting and driving

Someone shove an apple in his mouth to shut him up and boot his ass off stage. I can’t stand his snarky look for one more second!

Yeah it’s ridiculous, but don’t let the circus get to you, the vast majority of people out there are for gun ownership, these liars are the minority even though they are getting most of the press.

I knew I would not like this day. Check the current news, there is so much propaganda about this it made me ill.

Like that one .

The other homeless guy, the one that was pulling nails out from injured girls faces, he’s gone! Whatever happened to him?

Ole Dammegard is a great truther. Alex Jones is a shill and I would not go on his show, but many of his guests are genuine people. But I can understand why somebody would, cause it brings you a lot of views and coverage, very tempting.. Agree with William Hudson 1986 below..

should be titled march for our modern bolshevik revolution and police state.

Is that negative news ?? !!!

The student who said a book helped to deflect the bullets maybe...a little also said her friend didn’t make it. Also if you watch that clip again from the Today Show she actually covers her mouth because she inadvertently started to laugh. But unfortunately her friend "didn’t make it". I doubt if any kind of fake bullets were used. No bullets, no shooter, 100% fake. She’s an actor and although I haven’t been able to confirm it yet I read that she was in a Kohl’s commercial.

Understood loud and clear boss. No infighting.

hogg went pure into a demonic zone i agree game this dude is on a pure power trip smh live in a country where it is almost impossible to get the fluoridation of water to stop. Big Pharma kills many more people than guns. And, staging anything that even hints at gun control increases gun sales. But, you already said that this is helping your acting career. So, this is really just exploiting the gun issue to put you in the limelight. Wouldn’t sucking some cock be a lot easier?

I commented about David Hogg being groomed for this role yesterday on a youtube video that was linked by Drudge Report and it was taken down. Apparently David Hoggs own video was considered in violation of Youtubes Bullying and harassing BS lol. What actually occurred though was Hoggs Video was truth bombed so badly that it had to be taken down because the liars can’t have any bad press, Folks we have power in truth bombing!!

I got banned yesterday from a David Hogg group. Why you may ask? Because I asked if Hogg boy was a liar? Half of the group said yes.and because I do not live in America it is nothing to do with me? Maybe all the good truthers out there should take a look at this video.