
Unfortunately, Trump is not Hitler or a fascist. A total jewish puppet who regurgitated Hitler’s material just to get elected. Now he’s not doing anything to fix or even NAME the problem. Trump’s family even married in with these rats. A total sellout to the synagogue of satan. Trump is the biggest disinfo agent out there.

Welcome. Cool tools in the description. See what you can find. :)

Dude is jacked up on something, look at the way he moves his jaw back n forth when he’s done talking. Reminds me of back in high school when I took Adderall, if you took more than your normal amount it would make you do that. I can’t stand that little prick

@Niven, Who knows. thats a thought. Amazing what can be done with cgi/photography today. @Austin sure did! Hope we can become smarter as we go.

In fact, deleting it is worse. We cant get it back. Hidden could be uncovered but.. same same. :/rn

Trump 2020 , Texas Governor Greg Abbott 2024 - 2032 , David Hogg for President 2032 .

100% marxist jewish communism. He even threw up the communist salute @ 7:10

If these sacks of shit are high school students, how do they expect to graduate? They have been on their world tour since the Fake shooting. Isn’t there a certain number of days you must be in class? We need to start pushing for a ban on cell phones for our children’s safety. There are a lot more teenage death linked to cell phone use when driving than any gun violence, especially when you consider these school shootings are all staged.

They are literally trying to turn these schools into prisons. Read the bottom part where it mentions increased school security steps.

Brother, I am just Joe average. I really dont surf youtube anymore so I eat our own dog food as they say. 153news is my only source for news. I remember this entire thing and CERN being right next door. Revelation 9:11 always comes to mind because at some point these folks unlock bad things. Just a matter of time. :/

Media/Government has and will always fill people’s heads with bullshit for the Oligarchy to rip off the masses, distract them from seeing the holes in the illusion, and get them to leave the life they can barely support and kill people who can barely support their families. But, there’s always money to fight wars. Hey! Want some money? But your country is already bankrupt? Help us keep the enslaved masses under control in several countries...We’ll supply the cash and you all supply the meat based ammo absorbers. We’ll just scare the shit out of ’em - let their imaginations run themselves wild while they slaughter each other - and they’ll stay out of the Oligarch’s way for years. Perpetual war and poverty for the 99.9999%. Infinite profits and control for the 0.00001%.

Thank you for all of your long hours of work and money spent. I appreciate everything you do for us. I was blown away when I saw your comment, because it is rare to get a response from an administrator let alone a website owner. You are working your tail off and I thank you. Take care.

And yes Jim, America is this dumb :/

They learn from their mistake. Because they screwed up on the Westminster bridge attack hoax. They put up pictures on Internet with Metadata that show a guy in a blanket too early.

Great show guys!

Hiding everything. :/

Wait a second...he said every man, woman, and child. That is hate speech. Where are the Xi’s, Xo’s, and the rest of the mutant genders.

96 people die from gun violence. As above so below. This stuff makes me sick. I am sorry our country has lost its way.

