
Little piggy goes to market, Laughs all the way to the bank

That was messed up

Sum Ting Wong wid dat chin!

WOW, that would not surprise me

Much of my family still lives in southern Germany and we have travelled through your beautiful country when vacationing many years ago , we truly love all of our European brothers and sisters !

We have had HD for many years. anything less is just BS imo. Hope you can make an account.

Thanx for up

Thanks so much ! My mother’s family is from Heidelberg where I was also born , my father an American Army soldier. Stay safe brothers and sisters ...

The serpent race has done it all...and more. It is exactly what pleases their father.

Hansen is clearly NOT that Bjorn guy . Lol . Fake-ass truther .

Is that the all-seeing eye I see on her wall behind her ?


Starting to think Hogg is pure CGI and not even a real person. I’ve seen video of the tech possible to do this shit

Yep it’s a julian assange, nsa, cia made horse shit, brought to you by the letter D for dunce! Hey does any one know why the sign up thing on here does not seem to work?? I have some pics I would like to share.

The evidence and proof of the truth will never get the traction it needs for the truth to reach critical mass to sway public opinion enough to make any significant change in a positive direction. Simply when your proof is being effective enough to gain any traction, they shut you down or UP. Dr. Fetzer’s work was taken off Amazon. Countless works being censored on Youtube. For crying out loud, the twin towers and building 7 concrete video evidence. And the biggest fat, stinking, ass in the face elephant in the room, the Main Stream Media. The mainstream media must be obliterated as it stands. It controls societies reality and we might as well sit in front of a PC role-playing game our entire life because it’s their concept and not yours. Until the mainstream media is bitch slapped into submission, we have no hope. Well that would be the least painful way, theres alway the violent war avenue. But I can’t visualize the civilian side ever gaining any traction without some kind of communication able to reach millions. We have been marginalized out of the fight.

Seems funny some thug robs a 7-11 in the hood and there’s a clear photo from store survirllemce camera but all these so called shooters have old low res photos shown and none on the scene. Look at the old Adam Lanza pic not even close to a real photo. Shit it’s all smoke mirrors and green screen these days

We can’t shout "fire" in a crowded theatre, but we can shout "LIAR" on 153news. Skinny chinned psychopathic deceiver.

So if both of you can prove round earth, please do it. Without just laughing it off...prove it.

Huh? Last time I checked the 3rd Reich was anti-communist.

That skinny chinned prick.