
There’s nothing wrong. It’s Television. It fools nearly everyone almost all the time. Even if they did a much better job, they would be able to fool 99% instead of just 98.99%. The point of diminishing returns has been reached at an embarrassingly low bar. It’s a resounding success and highly profitable.

Guess which artist performed at this event - Ariana Grande. All the hoaxes are connected. A Sandy Hook survivor also attended it.

It was like a week later that the showed her on TV walking with that stupid cane. Hallelujah miracles do happen.

ahh the life of a truther

VA tech 33 dead hoax 2007 and before faked event have occured before Smith Mundt repeal by Soetoro/Emmanuel and the whole Zionist organization prolifgated it to hell and back

David Hogg is Groot!

There were a lot of resistance groups in Cuba they were not being supplied inf act sabotaged by the same jewish consortium that put Castro in power, Batista wasn’t corrupt he was wrangling power from the jews, Lanksy could have hit Castro in Cuba for a decade he did jack shit except help get him released, Lansky and the Kosher Nostra made far more money from their Cuab scheme than the Casinos which were mere money laundering "legit" outfits, Cuba was a Catholci country with a huge economy. A bunch of Goyim driving chevys the plan was this install marxism play Cuba in terms of communist expansion in the region, drug/sex/ traffic the area and use Cuba as a "black site". Remember the embargo only effected America-Cuba transit not WORLD-CUBA transit, they set up mega combine striped the goys of their rights, power, economic assets and raped the country, meanwhile cuba soldiers enfocred marxoid hells abroad and sabotaged Arab resistance with back channels to the Mossad in the Arab-Israeli wars think PLO-Cuban soldier explusions....its a game, a big sick pyramid game the masters at the top wear a yamulka and speak yiddish-hebre, they never get whacked or prosecuted. EVER, Ain’t that right TIbor?

I laughed

Hahahaha... true

Every minute of every day ... twilight zone .

This stick figure guy is the worst script reader ever. He must of slept through the portion of acting class where they taugh how to take a natural pause here and there so you don’t look like you’re reading a book, or a total dumbass.

who wrote his speech? They’re fired!

shoulda called it "March For Our Lies"

true dat

the G-men run YooToob

I noticed that they were stripping the exif data during the Dallas sniper shootings. Once in a while you can find one with the data intact but only because that data matches the story and it’s usually photos from the aftermath of the story. One thing I always learned to do was search for the highest definition image before even attempting to retrieve exif data. A search for the oldest image helps sometimes too.


La Bomba!

sad reality

kids no teenager