
The goal of this site is to have a battle ground where our information stops being sucked into youtube ban land. The amount of truth lost by youtube, facebook, and twitter is beyond criminal. They are protecting people that are ultimately trying to exterminate us. We cant allow this to happen without a stand. If the truth can be preserved, this is the start. The rest is truly up to the people. If I can protect the truth, our brothers and sisters fighting this will have to use social media like never before. The world will not come seeking the truth, we must bring the truth to the people. So overall, its a key piece of what we are missing. We far outnumber those trying to suppress us. If for simply this one moment in time a group like this has come together to fight a common enemy, I pray this is the time. Its why I will never let some bickering destroy some of the best hearted soldiers I have ever ridden with. is and will be the greatest team ever assembled.

The real people probabaly dont wanna be shown with this hog wash. Its gotta be embarrassing listening to these liars.

Excellent uploads. A theatre cast cast a spell on the world. Terrible actors as wll :/

The Disney associated Kennedy Os/Oz enigma.

The Medias are creating a society of lies so you never know truth._.

Deflects a bullet with a book? Jim Fetzer, 2:30 in SIMUNITION:

Maybe she don’t lie that she deflects a bullet with a book. 2:30 in SIMUNITION:

That’s interesting. Its important to know what time they closed. Cruz supposedly got there not long after went nuts and shot up the school.

Let me explain something to you. I called Walmart a day or two after the event. The store went on LOCK DOWN. All the students had to stand outside to call their parents. No way Cruz got in there to buy a drink at Subway. The whole story is a LIE. Walmart stayed closed for about 8 hours.

Thanks, nice vid. I see it’s been pulled by YT already.

This is brilliant!

yeah sadly Trump is just that. He got the votes no doubt but in the end he was chosen. They could have just as easily chosen Hiliary. But with Tump they can divide and conquer much easier. Stick a pacifier in the mouths of the people who are only half awake for 4 or 8 years while they continue their crimes against humanity. By time the average Trump voter realizes they’ve been F-ed his term will be over. If they chose Hiliary they would have had too many common people pissed and woken up, so they went with Trump.

Isn’t there a proud tradition of US Army cadets corp at this place, which doesn’t get mentioned anymore?

Red Dogg truth - Yes thats what I said. Hansen is not Bjorn, but Jim still sometimes says he is. Nobodys perfect.

This literaly sums up the thought process of David Hogg

I love your work.. Thank you

You just got to keep smiling .

Northwoods was LBJ’s gang attempt at getting JFK to approve something as apart of a blackmail scheme to get the wood on him, think RFK MM assasination and the leverage angle. JFK signs onto that the ZOG would have him by the balls come on any of ya’ll watched mob movies read up on operations this is classic "dirtying" the hands under false preteneses to get leverage, blackmail counter blackmail thats all the Kennedy’s and LBJ were doing to each other. Listen to this stuff Think Chevron and Rockefeller

Northwoods was LBJ’s gang attempt at getting JFK to approve something as apart of a blackmail scheme to get the wood on him, think RFK MM assasination and the leverage angle. JFK signs onto that the ZOG would have him by the balls come on any of ya’ll watched mob movies read up on operations this is classic "dirtying" the hands under false preteneses to get leverage, blackmail counter blackmail thats all the Kennedy’s and LBJ were doing to each other. Ol

nothing on the gurney at 7:50