
1) No consolidation (view list) of personally Subscribed channels/creators. 2) No effective Search for key words, channels, video or creators; and 3) No on-line help or email to even begin to address these issues for the New, Unused or otherwise Impaired such as myself. I am NOT a creator, so I just (at this point) find my Favorites, find them easily, and conduct searches on content that interests me. So far...ZERO on all these hot-buttons. But I am patient, and I appreciate ANY help. Thanks!!!

You’re 100% correct. We will know for sure after Saturday. rnI’m sure CBS did it intentionally despite what they say.

These people really are kids. Never ever go full retard on an unknown opponent.

P.S. regarding my very previous post, I speak as a User and not a Creator -- perhaps y’all with Channels are experiencing something far different than those who are, at this point, strictly viewers???

Well there are a few of us that watch the board here, emails, ect. What exactly are you having iasues with?

YES, I am all on board. But I do have some technology issues that I wish I could address with somebody. BUT so far 153News does NOT offer Help or Suggestions and I really, really, really need both help and a response to suggestions. How do I achieve this??? ??????

"its edited its not real" straight from the horses mouth. The truth right in front of everyone’s faces. I’m beginning to believe its done intentionally now as part of the psy op.

Idiots. Sqqiggle and pals got ST after them. time to duck and cover I would say. Hear his piss on ya before the hangings commence! 👍

Ack.. tried to post a reply but it cut off. Read here for more on this mess. Good one JG :)

Well, all I can say about the Womens Lib movement of the 60’s and 70’s is that it was designed and orchestrated (by Operatives, such as Glorious Gloria Steinem) to create false ideologies and division. That does NOT make women (in general) special in that regard -- ALL of us can be programmed (brainwashed) if we are not especially observant, vigilant and aware. Men have been brainwashed for dozens of centuries. Just my 2cents.

Lying to dogs is where I draw the line . Lol . Some shameful shit ( to quote HBO’s The Wire ) .

They definitely are the enemy.

I think Lenny is expendable. We shall see.

I’m really surprised at your faith in the Federal Courts after what they did to James Tracy, Willliam Shanley, and so many others! I feel like the Feds will protect their own.

They keep it private .

The word " bike " is ONE syllable . Lol . Gotta love that speech impediment you have .

lets get on with the gun confiscation so we can get on with this civil war.

CBS took the blame for that LOL 8 49 here

Side Thorn, did you get thrown off of YouTube already ?.....HILARIOUS!!!

Hey Russian Vids Welcome Back And Can you do a video on the China Spacecraft which is fake but still do a Video Thanks.