
If they take down the content, it’s time to sue Amazon too. rnHey this is war, it’s real war. We’ve got to keep this content going to reach the masses because YouTube won’t allow and we can’t buy CNN, ABC, CBS, CBC, MSNBC, BBC and all other fakestream media channels. So... I don’t see much of a choice here, we either resist or we move to another host where the problem will still be there. rnThe question is, what are you gonna do about it?

You could technically also file a lawsuit (or even press charges) for infringement of your 1st Amendment rights if they follow with an unlegit take-down of the content. This is the difference with YouTube, they’ve bought it out and they arbitrarily decide what is fair content and what’s not, in fact... they are liable but nobody dared so far to fight back. Now, if Amazon allows Lenny to take it down, it’s because of the pressure from Lenny’s terrorist bosses, longa manu... the Illuminati but this means Amazon becomes liable. rnIn any case, I recommend you hit the Send button, then wait for the mail to be sent and only then, stop recording the video. You know how these terrorists’ minds work. Leave nothing unattempted to discredit, slander, redicule, etc. One may well say "he didn’t send it because it doesn’t appear in the sent items folder". Think like they do, not how we do and you’ll come up with an undefeatable routine.

Her first name is Tina. I even called her last year. She didn’t have accent. I told her I had wrong number. So maybe a search of Tina and Georgia (US) will get her page. She uses first, middle and last name. I have to check my archives. I had screen capped her FB page. Snafu Bar might remember what I am talking about.

1000 👍🏻

I think the important thing in these discoveries is to wait, research, wait some more . Then things start to come to light. They are after the truth community in a hard way. We have to be smart.

well this is just ridiculous, its a problem with a simple solution....we have got to stop those stupid useless humans from freely walking about when ever they want......(",)

not many things are more enraging than having your basic civil liberties completely trampled. Too bad for them I don’t back down.

Excuse my language but fuck amazon. As long as we are not inciting violence we have the right to free speech.

Oooo....more control grid and drone cars?

Hogg just changed his story from being in class, to now riding his bike and entering a "LOCKDOWN SCHOOL" in the middle of a mass shooting and then recording his infamous videos! Please tell me which version he gave that is the truth? In the legal system, if ANY Part of their statements are found false then you can throw out ALL of their statements! So, Hogg wouldn’t last one day in court!

He doesn’t look 13 to me, more like 10.

That makes sense. rnThank you

Good job RV.

wow, that lauren hogg (lowerin hogg?) girl has the wonky eye from beyond. Some say that’s a sign of demonic possession or ritual sodomy. Could just be some effect of using the nintendo wii too much. But damn.. I wanna yell LOOK AT ME WHEN YOU’RE TALKING TO ME.. with BOTH EYES.. can you legally drive???

Go into desktop version and you can edit video.

They were warned long ago to leave us alone to tell the truth and they did not listen , now they all pay .

Who can figure out what motivates the deranged minds that come up with these silly CGI ’mishaps’ and flat out false flag psychological attacks on the peoples of Earth in their Columbines, Batman Theaters, Sandy Hooks, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas phony storylines.

One in the same, characters built by actors. I believe C.W. Wade has been multiple people playing that disturbed character through the years. Either way they are the enemy and we will not stop until they are given their sentence by the people.

I am trolling Surfpurzel as we speak, thanks for the ’suggestion’!

Uber and Lyft...are they any different than FB? Control.