
The bike only had a bent front tire. It’s so bad, I can’t believe they tried this on us it is so fucking fake

Not only is news fake, but so are the videos ,and the images are photoshopped. Good vid, I did one on this event and this footage Contradicts their original story, they said she was crossing the street the other way that this now shows. And the bike on

YouTube is definitely liable , especially because MONEY and peoples’ jobs were on the line that were making a living off YouTube videos . I called lawyer about it and he thought the case had some merit but he clearly scared to take on the Google giant , and he when he passed on the idea , I said " What , no balls , huh ? Fucking pussy . " and then hung up on him .

I am feeling mentally anguished over Lenny’s abuse ! I feel a class-action coming on ...

Yeah , they’re usually called " feminists " . Lol

15 years at that address- back to 2003.

Wow Side Thorn, have been thrown off of YouTube already?

Awesome man, they couldn’t even wait for the fake blood to dry before getting themselves decked out. Can’t wait to see what you guys have been up to.

You have to be logged in, get an account from jboss.

I told that very thing to a few of my co-workers today, they agreed. One has a 4 year old they don’t want to put in public schools.

David Hogg’s Aunt : from Chuck P


Lenny has Federal law to deal with. People that know me, know everything I am saying I am gonna do. Lenny is about to find himself in federal court and when I get him there, I am gonna show these clowns I dont mess around. Soon enough all these guys laughing will be laughing no more. I could go 10 years + at full throttle...these people do not have the staying power to defeat me.


Thanks. For now, Lenny has no law to worry about. But hopefully that changes very soon.

Well I tried to avoid all my personal email by not showing the rest. I cc’d our attorney and myself which can be used as evidnce of that were a problem. This is a wonderful time to be alive!

anyone can file these things. Easier tha a FOIA request. Costs nothing swearing on your life under penalty of law you are right.

Let me ask you this RV, do you ever find out who actually strikes your channel or does YT keep that private?

If I read correctly, Lenny or whomever, has to pay $125k per DMCA? Would like to see the $ paper trail on Lenny’s finances on filing DMCAs.

Well here is the funny part and how far behind these people are. I havent used Amazon now for a while. We moved on from there, and on from there. Nothing that happens on Amazon effects us. Even today for fun I built us a brand new bouncer box on the west coast. Took a little under 10 minutes to do.