
Das’ right babe! We followed you here.

Your to kind. A person from Europe just donated to our patreon and said this is the last stand for freedom. People around the world are truly standing with us. Thanks for hanging around. You know where I will be.

THANKS! That was me. YUP... fell asleep. I work in the TWEEN hours sometimes... NOTED. This will probably be an issue that reoccurs for some. :)

LOVE YOU, BOSS. THANK YOU for being a REAL human being with a REAL heart AND brain! I could feel you before I ever saw this. Anyone who trolls lacks the gift of discernment. <3

As far as thevideo around -4:25, I have never seen an explanation of which building this was, what side, and what time it was. I have always assumed it was WTC 1 and that they were real people that put on this display but having time to still get out of the building safely; that being one reason the destruction of WTC 1 was delayed so long after the alleged plane impact compared to WTC 2.

Hitler was telling the crowd don’t eat the brown acid.....

when I saw those blankets hanging out on the clothesline, it reminded me that I used to hang all my wet laundry out to dry. I havent done that in YEARS because I noticed my clothes were itchy...even after I ran them thru the dryer to fluff some. I put it down to pollen at the time, but.... I think its more whats in the air that isnt supposed to be there.

what is on the ground @ 1:00 minute? boards?

Very good. "Ich bin ein crisis actor.. "

Cookies removed, error still there. Web pages saved data removed, problem solved.

thx for pointing out the codes

Vice is controlled fake news, but i’m sure you already knew that.

That makes very little sense seeing that we have video of him supposedly in the school at the time of the " shooting " . They would’ve had to hurry to make the bullshit closet video . Or that video could’ve been prior to the day .

Agreed .

But what was Hitler actually saying in this clip ? Lol

Oh, btw, nice security he has when dudes can walk up to his car and stab him and then disappear into the night. He was probably laughing with delight when he made that message. What a joke he is.

That is the third or fourth vegetable to play the role of "Steven Hawking"

Child actors who grow up and aren’t good actors , well they still get roles like this. When he asked for money the first time he made a vid and he had the biggest duping delight when he asked for donations. He couldn’t keep a straight face. Then he was arrested for pot, then he was stabbed...It’s all a shitshow to get your money for his security, fuck him, it is a scam. He ain’t doing shit he won’t even name names.

Try clearing your cookies and cache and see what happens.

Ah for the records, FireFox still not working with 153. Don’t know why.