
It’s ok it’s fine I was just busting your balls...

It didn’t feel right? You trying to tell me this story is real? No sources, two conflicting versions, dubious website. This is obviously made up as a source for other "channels" to spread fear porn. I mean even if you just use your common sense: what exactly are they going to do with those guillotines (if it were real)? Or maybe it’s in case they run out of bullets, is that the theory?

I tried to make up for it by naming you in the description box but again will not happen again thanks.

The audience for the Dr. Schnoz and Roig show was pre-selected, just like when Ellen Degenerate and Dr. Shill have crisis actors on the show.

Sorry jerry I was so involved in this i neglected to credit you won’t happen again thanks.

Welcome. Your video makes a lot of sense and Sue Mcellwain is telling the truth.

The multiple shooters were armed with "simunition" ammo. These idiots failed to realize a projectile of wax would exit the muzzle to inflict a minor wound on human flesh. Apparently nobody was hit in the eye that we know about. This why you see victims with band-aids and a teacher with a bruise on her L. arm. These smut videos will be used to extort more money from the perps since the actors were promised no harm.

Yeah we should’ve checked the local Dunkin’ Donuts to see if there was a huge influx of business prior to the incident.

Throw mats over the bodies so nobody will notice the cadavers breathing and eating doughnuts...

Toilet stall was a Talmudic joke

Take a sip while the laughter dies down....Ha!

Let’s start with belt-fed .50 caliber

Thanks for using my video without asking but it’s ok I’m not like Lenny so it’s cool if it’s on here.


Worse – it is a CIA front company.

ST & Granny – you must watch this. Norway ’terrorist attack + WTC ’attack’. Photoshop Terror –

It may or may not be a model. SCALE is always an issue with CGI -- if you’re watching closely, you can observe the boo-boos in even the best CGI in movies and TV. Game of Thrones, for instance, has dragons that change size depending on the ’shots’. So it follows that this ’sliding scale’ problem is also evident in the visual trickery used for non-entertainment purposes....

The trouble with early "no planers" who blogged about it around 2006 was that they focused on zoomed pixelated images of the "planes" and tried to find something wrong with that. But when Alex Jones dismissed the theory at the time and claimed friends of him saw the planes, he was lying and knew he was lying. Alex Jones was probably tipped off in advance, which explains how he "predicted" 9/11 and explains how he already commented on the day of 9/11/2001 that WTC7 was a controlled demolition, while all of us were still in shock. The one mystery that remains about 9/11 to me: how could they suppress either witnesses or footage that would have shown the WTC explode with no planes hitting them? What if someone had a webcam pointed at the towers? What about the people in boats around Manhattan? There should have been many dozens of people, some with cameras, that would have seen the second explosion with no plane approaching or hitting it. The same goes for many other hoaxes like the London bridge incident: how do they suppress "smoking gun" amateur footage that exposes the hoax.

Do you have any idea how many airline pilots would have to be involved? Along with all the maintenance people? The people who make the chemicals? This is so stupid

Das’ right babe! We followed you here.