
The honey bitch said, they wanted us to go outside so they could start shooting up. Then she said, it was like an hour before they got out. ALSO ... What are seniors doing in THE FRESHMAN BUILDING? Seniors don’t want anything to do with those punks.

Woo-Hoo! You made it Coffee. The comment section is very plain. There are no notifications here. Shoestring budget but a great place to see videos banned from YouTube. Lots of truth here. Some half truths as well but you will always have that. Check the main page for recent videos. Some of them are revealing and worth the effort to come here.

JL you are a top man. End of comment.

One of these days I will figure out how to continue the scripts after a reboot. Last time I tried it got stuck and created 25,0000 thumbnails on 1 video!

It looks fairly late in the afternoon to me.

Black Op Radio is a black op.

The New JFK Show is superb.

The New JFK Show is superb.

Ok well its 4 mins and been here an hour.. :) Guess it will be ok.. Check back later. thanks again!

Here around 16:15 Bringing young Kyle out from school on stretcher, talking on cell phone , looks like same material draping fake legs from knees up.


perhaps the pilots and maintenance workers are govt-- govt oath of silence for that govt paycheck. the chemical manufacturers arent going to say anything as they would be complicant for poisoning the masses. govt contracts keep companies going forever. Jeff, Ive seen youre comments and I think you needed to expand your way of thinking: its too small for whats going on in the world.

Nice history grab.

Thanx for share.

So it’s true, rails do connect in the distance. rnI’m gonna walk 10km and see where exactly they connect now... wait... I’m gonna go look for the rainbow’s secret treasure first!

Its here, Thanks for looking out for us when issues arise. Above and beyond man! Peace JB!

I dont think hundreds of thousand of scientists have been to space to actually report back. If you have never gone what basis is your deduction that space is real. What I find perplexing is people believe NASA over common sense. I have never experienced a bump as we are spinning around. Gravity makes no sense but you guys want us to believe the earth is what the freemasons tell us it is. They want our God to be billions of miles away instead of right outside the firmament. Outside of NASA what data do you guys have showing we are hurtling around the sun in space?

Done bro.

This is disgraceful but a reality we live in. No American should be subjected this way of life! Wow! People we are one paycheck to the next and this can easily be you and your family’s! We will see more homelessness in months to come! It’s an epidemic here in America is now a 3rd world country hands down! How sad for our beloved America!

@ GShock112 - According to flat earthers all of space is fake, all of astronomy is fake, almost all of science is fake. It has to be or their model won’t work. This means hundreds of thousands of scientists from all over the world are lying, going back at least a hundred years in time because current scientific knowledge builds on what was discovered before. Not only that but all scientific papers are fake too. This must mean millions of papers by now: all fake. And they must be faked in such a way that they don’t contradict each-other. That’s what you have to believe if you believe the earth is flat. --- There is no rational explanation for this relatively recent spike of this phenomenon except to say that it is a psy-op to distract us, create infighting and make conspiracy theorists look bad. Draw your conclusions.