
no but i will. Thanks man

more corruption

is this a Freudian slip "nobody’s dead", or does she mean that only the teacher is dead?

0:00 - 0:20 ".... my teacher was dead ..... now everything’s ok nobody’s dead".

HIS MOM says she wishes she knew where he was

my teacher was dead ..... now everything’s ok nobody’s dead.

The people writing these articles have never been to space. Show me some pictures of earth that arent cgi

👍 👍

Yeah, one thing I have noticed is that every single flat earther is religious. It’s framed as a battle between their God and... well in this thread the illuminati or freemasons and that the globe earth is just a way to destroy God. (I’m not saying the illuminati are nonsense, there is very clearly something going on. But not every person who rejects the flat earth is in the illuminati or against religion. I’m also not sure if the illuminati care if the earth is flat or round, they worship the devil and believe in magick, not exactly very scientific.) So at least one agenda that is going on with this flat earth thing is religion. --- PS: there are plenty of articles and videos debunking the flat earth. There are even more science websites and channels explaining science. But you do have to get out of the conspiracy bubble. Science is not a belief system; it’s a methodology based on logic and experiment. But religious people tend to discard science because science and religion don’t mix well, to put it mildly. (This doesn’t mean scientists are against religion. Most scientist believe in the freedom of religion even-though they themselves tend not to be religious.)

My sister had at least... umm... LINE!... ah, three. Three of her best friends die. Four.

they can shadow ban or go over and delete the comments. It seems they are really taking it up a notch in not only mass censorship of videos and channels but comments and possibly ratings as well.

Interesting idea. I started searching for perspectives of people in buildings and I found something pretty interesting in an old Daily Mail article , and I can tell for sure it’s photoshopped. I’m going to make a vid about it now. Here is the article:

handler in the background. They might be doing this on purpose to enrage awakened american patriots. What is with these people who can barely speak english? Mr Biegel was not even there because he resides in New York.

THE AUSTIN, TX BOMBER blows himself inside his car. Four side windows and the back windshield is blown out. No blood on the front windshield or anywhere else. No damage to the headliner or visors. No chunks of safety glass on the road or grass. Pretty sloppy. How about $110,000.00 for proof of that guys death. Oh ... and that first bomb ... no ceiling damage in the entrance way. No damage to the 2x4’s . HAHAHAHAHAHA!

I just don’t know either way. Its one of those things that we can argue about but we just dont have enough data to say yay or nay. With all the deception, signs, and trickery, why would round earth not be one of them? What I dont see is why everyone is so hell bent on someone having to see things as a round earth. Its like the word conspiracy theory that makes people think your nuts. If people can pop up a video that isnt NASA and can show me satellites and space as I think it should look, i would be a believer. Its just nothing exists.

More occult symbolism at 5:36. These kids should be ashamed of themselves.

I agree with Voice of Reason and would add it’s not that science is always intentionally lying to us, but they are squeezing the theories into a distorted model where everything has to fit into false paradigms. So distortions like many of darwin, and basically all of the space science, which is false, effect other branches of science and even our human spirituality. Some are just scientists but still ignorant of this ’boxing in’ of their worldviews. Imo most of science is wrong because the paradigm they work in is a Masonic inversion.

Good work. What changed around 2011 that makes it harder to spot their forgeries?

More great work exposing these frauds for what they are.

Understand Focal Length ion 5 Minutes:rn