
Yes unfortunately. Youtube has them as well, we call them trolls and they are very bad people.

Fetzer needs to look into the idea of nukes period. But he is a strong advocate for re-instituting the draft ( so he has some issues with logic in general.

Probably the size of a football field.

Good perspective. I would also add based on her demeanor and haircut that the sickness of the LGBT agenda where pedophilia is being actively promoted is also being advanced here. Also consider what they do to students in school these days. They are all herded into the same bathroom. They are taught gayness and how to use dildos. They sure as hell are not taught the value of the first and second amendment because the objective is to soften up the herd so they are easier to fleece and/or slaughter. Truth and reality is fast becoming an endangered species on the internet. The censorship is at an epidemic level and should be a major tell to the sheep around us.

Praise Yahweh!

good eye!

How big are these closets that accommodate 19 students and a fat teacher?

Keep on posting here on 153. All yt is going to be from now on is kittens, video games, and fart jokes. You know the whole keeping the public entertainment at a 6th grade level...

If they don’t like what they see here, they should just get the fuck out. I’m not offended. If I were, I’d just close the page. It’s the little "x" at the upper right corner, Lenny. Great display of tolerance, Poser...I mean Pozner.

So...they trained to be prepared for a drill or for a mass shooting? Oh...wait...there have not been any real mass shootings at schools. Sure glad they were ready for a drill because ...well....I’m just glad...whatever. Fuck these liars.

An Amazon abuse team? They have a team of abusers? What?

In her first interview, without even watching her speak, I could literally hear the duper’s delight as the corners of her mouth turned up. She’s an example of why people under 30 have been added to my list of un-trustables...and no. I’ve never been under 30!

Falla Angel

Of course you have to pay people to protest. Why would anyone do it for free knowing full well that protests do no good. And, if you are protesting with a real group, media will ignore you or downplay the event’s popularity.

The Professor!!!

Was Tom Cruise in the closet? Is that why she couldn’t fit more kids in there, Why were the military there throwing mats over bodies..If these are true ..yep Sandy Hoax and the english village shooting. Check out the price of homes and the average income of the area...

I love the part where she hides the 3700 kids in a closet. And she’s not even in the area..Another super teacher

Hey Russianvids. You should just upload on here and perhaps some of your followers could upload your videos to YouTube. I’d upload some for you. Not saying you shouldn’t create another account on Youtube. I think you should, but it looks like your username is pretty hot. Maybe if you changed it up, I think that would be a good idea.

The Turpin hoax will be one of many they will use to justify making homeschooling criminal. If you read some of the shit posted by some group funded by Lucas Films that claims they support homeschooling....but only if the govt can check on the welfare of the child and how they are doing against their peers in school, you will see these sickos come up with the same searches as Turpins. Obviously planned, and obviously they are part of the hoax. The Turpin hoax shit pisses me off, and I warned every homeschool association on FB And by email that they better demand evidence cause these liars will use it to take our rights.

Same on 153. -Mirror- Photoshop Terror by Zakleo Se Bumbar –