
😁 Finally get to listen to this.

Using a Maya Focal Length filter we were able to duplicate the view from a zoom lens from a thousand feet below and some distance away from the subjects.

Are you saying that they photoshopped each frame?

Indeed. This about that:rn

Nice find. What they’re saying is you’re not allowed to have a family...The (((system))) comes 1st. They’ve started the slander campaign already pushing home schoolers are abused & need to be ’checked on’.

And on top of that, think of those poor brainwashed sheep who marched to have a government they can’t trust (and don’t trust) take a constitutional right from them.

Truth is offensive ... for these terrorists. I believe it’s only a matter of time before their plans are either carried out in haste or be completely thwarted by people like us. The damage a free mind can do to them is apalling. There’s nobody around me who hasn’t watched the sky who’s unaware of them chemspraying it. One out of ten will pass the word and one out of ten will pass it on, in turn. On one hand we have an awake and, for the moment helpless and silent mass and on the other hand the awake and active in awakening others. The mainstream media will fall.. they will get more and more desperate to take views but the views will go to the web and that’s where their last stand will be. Either make this like in China and North Korea and further awaken billions of zombies or lose. I think they are in a lose-lose situation and it’s only a matter of time. The NWO cannot be installed if the americans don’t surrender their guns and the Parkland bullshit massacre is a fine example of hasty and sloppy job that fights for us. HONR has got to be a TOOL of the enemy to silence the truth for as long as it can be silenced and them working in it are NWO terrorists, starting from Lenny for whom I have less respect than the dog shit a pedestrian stomped this morning while I was parking my scooter. He thinks we are just a few... I am convinced aside from us being hundreds of millions, there’s people in his team who will side with us if we make the right move. He’s doomed.

It must of cost millions just for busses and bodies.... who would spend millions on social engineering a gun agenda like this...hillary, soros? The united nations? All of em?

Don’t want to sound repetitive, but GREAT VIDEO!!! Keep blowing them out of the water!!

I know! I have some more good shit on Scott Beigel that I’m going to work on next week! It’s freaking ridiculous! His mom has said that MULTIPLE times "WHEREVER YOU ARE"? WTF? Then, the pictures! I have one so badly photoshopped that a hand is in that shouldn’t be. This next video on him should have more than enough evidence that this story changed and it’s a hoax. This guy lived in NY, end of story. The funeral was CLOSED casket, like all of them!

hired over 10,000 anti free speech goons to clear up the site for pure propaganda! Hell, they are now putting wikishit on channels, and pushing the official stories as the first results from the Nuke Hoax to these shootings. It’s ridiculous.

Yep! She slipped. Who talks and acts like this after going thru a mass shooting. It’s absurd!

I don’t even think the 1960’s one on the college campus from the clock tower was real, or if it was the feds were behind it. That may have been why they didn’t pull it again for many years.

I love how the REPORTER corrects her when she claims it was Geology, and then she says "Geography"?

her story contradicts chubby blonde girl! She claims Beagle RAN down the hallway, and NOBODY saw him get shot. This also contradicts the happy teacher that claimed she yelled at him and he was shot in the classroom. So many stories to this one man! You’d think it would be easy for a handful of people that witnessed him being shot to tell us WHERE it happened!


WTF? Who smiles like that when talking about a MURDER!?!


I don’t understand- if it’s zero gravity, how are they able to stand up on the floor, at will??

Only applies if bodies are hanging far out of the windows. Imagine a decal on the window: it would shrink/expand in perfect correlation to the size of the window depending on perspective, as would a body next to it. Aside from the fact that breaking those windows was likely nearly impossible ( as could be logically deduced from the fact that there were dozens of unbroken windows next to the "plane" holes - which was a video detail editing fail, not reality anyway) bodies could have been no more than arms length, assuming they had reached that level of desperation that quickly. Hard pass on this idea. 9/11 was a movie, and not particularly well executed. Good enough to change the world, though.