
By putting the names, accounts and pictures of these terrorist trash in public, you’re basically telling them to go into hiding, which will make it harder for us to find them. rnPlease start researches and BG checks on them AT ONCE.

The new triage procedures, toss all bodies that appear dead into a corner, cover well with mats or whatever is available.

From the looks of this animation they could have just climbed down window frame by window frame

gun control agenda could be a smokescreen currently because their real objectives could very well be making schools more into prisons, bolstering the police state(I know just what is needed), and pushing legislation that overrides due process and targeting of undesirables or dissenters through something insidiously termed "mental health services."

If any of those books are available in a toilet paper version, I might think about getting a copy.

heh, police explorers club.. I remember that.. some kinda boyscouts for dickhead junior snitches, iirc.

Stefanny too . Great vid !

So true Austin. You’d have thought that they would have considered this before coming after 153 but seems they’re not quite intelligent enough to have worked that out in time. As Jerry mentioned a while back, the backers of the Dis Honr network are no way going to be happy at the level of exposure that will follow. Ah well.

Seems he’s a big fan of the Clinton Crime Network, Obama on there too. Why would any decent person be following known murderers and child sex trafficking abusers like those three alone? Sick individuals!! Ozner exposes himself (?!?!?) every single time he decides to attack decent people. And lets face it, as the old saying goes "water finds it’s own level" so if these "people" are following certain individuals it just shows where their hearts lie also. Go get em’ Jason!!

I will look in to it. Some common thugs in that Twitter account.

everyone of theses kids is lying, some are better at it than others

yes his mom said that during the memorial service which is beyond the pale just like much the of mind boggling contradictions whether it be from the witness accounts (mostly crisis actors) to the MSM articles and videos. I am curious if these people in the video or the borges family even have US citizenship their english speaking skills are not so convincing.

Plus that was on the 3rd floor, where official timeline says no body was shot, where is Alexis Miednik?

HAHA, Good catch

You’re good !

All the plane shots were faked, sure, but it’s one thing to edit-in a static image of a jet onto video, but infinitely more difficult to layer-in multiple 3D animations of moving people into video. If they could do such a thing then it’s puzzling why their jet animations aren’t nearly as lifelike as their moving people.

We learn more and more about this network of traitors for every new DMCA Takedown Notice Lenny Pozner give us.

At 9/11? Possibly. But the daily mail article is horrible photoshop and im sure there were some who would see that and say" look, that building was on fire and didnt collapse" . The planes at 9/11 I still think are video shopped frame by frame. Its not that big of a leap to think that the people in the windows and those jumping out are also edited in to amplify the trauma based programming. The use of video manipulation goes back to the moon landings. Probably even further.

In a real crime the police appeal to the public for information. There is a process and protocol which can take months and even years. When the media presents conclusions to a recent event its a guaranteed hoax. When I think about the moon hoax I have to shake my head that anyone (Including me) believed that psyop. Anyone that believes it is a walking zombie completely asleep and being laughed at by the intelligence agencies and the banking puppetmasters.