
Reszneki now trolling 153 . You are a pathetic loser Michael

Don’t forget the Adams family. I mean Astin family.

He’d smoke you Michael

It’s Michael Reszneki the troll. 2119 B Michigan avenue East LA

Go away Michael Reszneki

They got a Persian (Iran) in there too

The pics look strange. She looks like a computer generated avatar.

Don’t you love how people in false flags go for long walks when then get shot in there leg or foot.

Richie from Bahhsten ... said, we’ll never know about the Parkland School Shooting. Meaning .. real or fake. Most of the smart people figured out it was FAKE in about 10 days or less. Total sell out nonsense.

She was also photoshopped in front of this pic..LOL..

I think it was the left leg... Hahahaha

MIchael Finney works at Carl Jr. across the street from YT, how did he get inside of the YT building? so a fast food guy was smarter then all of those Google employees and decide to find a bungee cord and use it as a tourniquet?

Just when you thought it was safe to wipe... LOL

They terminated my account for exposing a REAL baby-eating cult, which is more important than all the FAKE shootings put together.

YouTubeStory2 Chinada3 has it up on YT.

Satanic church. He’s not full of the Holy Spirit. He’s full of crap.

you are are one sharp whip jeffersonian shine on you crazy diamond

It was a Carl Jr. commercial. Nice.

Tourniquet means the person will most likely loose that limb. Last resort to save the life and that thing needs to be tight, tight, tight.

It looks like a cgi person.