
Guest UK Critical Thinker Manchester Arena Attack, Part 1

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Manchester Arena Bombing Official Story Doesnt Add Up
UK Critical Thinker Manchester Attack Part 1, Published on December 13, 2017.

"In this episode Ole Dammegard from Light On interviews UK Critical Thinker, a researcher that lives up to his name. Since the Manchester Arena Attack he has refused to accept the official version given to us in main stream media. Instead he has carried out an independent and objective investigation, which has resulted in an amazing documentary called ‘On the Face of It Manchester'.
Here he has provided a thoughtful presentation that can be used with ease to spark discussion about these serious events. This documentary, whilst reviewing the Manchester attack from the 22nd of May 2017, is also an explanation as to why EVERYONE must review anything that is presented to them and not get caught up in the media's whirlwind."

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