
Fuck this tiptoeing shit. You pretty up the truth, they attack. You show your real emotions about the travesty, they attack. Fuck it, be real. We have to get to the first phase, telling, loudly, it’s faked.

That’s Satanic. These are good people for which you wish torture. Nobody died at Sutherland Springs.

These keep happening when I am at work and no time to gather info, but we were commenting there about REALLY Youtube now? Its so obvious its pathetic. Great Vid.

For what would a Texan take them out? Why would you get a hard-on when good people get arrested for doing something so important? That is so gross.

Side Thorn is the opposite of chickenshit. Man you are stupid.

You should make the trip. You are so mind-controlled, you have become unable to recognize bravery and intelligence. Side Thorn is definitely not a bitch, Conspiracy Granny is very sharp. You are completely wrong about them.

I think you should meet Side Thorn face-to-face. You can say your shit and he will give you an honest reply. He’s always honest. If truth enrages you, something evil controls you. It would be good for you to learn what a mind-controlled bag of hot air that you have become.

Tourniquet is the last option. You should apply constant pressure to the wound but of coarse we know there was no wound, maybe a little moulage was applied.

Is this bait?

Is this bait?

Is this bait? Nasim Najafi Aghdam. Obviously she is just a normal truther and not a made up character who smells like some sort of bait

He’s righteous and genuine. You can’t kill him. You’re not able. You won’t come close enough. You don’t have a worthy reason. You’re weak and ineffective, a minor drain. Nasim Najafi Aghdam. Obviously she is just a normal truther and not a made up character who smells like some sort of bait Nasim Najafi Aghdam. Obviously she is just a normal truther and not a made up character who smells like some sort of bait

Why do all these crisis actors believe the first thing you do if someone’s bleeding is apply a tourniquet? In a real bleeding victim, a tourniquet would be the last option. I’ll never forget the Boston smoke bomb, the women in a wheelchair with 3 tourniquets on the right leg and 2 more on the right, yet not a drop of blood to be found anywhere!

These mind-controlled bitches are pathetic with their confidence in these trolls like C W Wade and Vice. I only see two real motherfuckers in this scenario, the ones smeared as lunatics. We saw it coming. The brainwashed are so predictable. They act like they can’t find Side Thorn or Conspiracy Granny. Side Thorn and Company are trying to help our children, taking the first step to stop this snowballing cycle of constant psychological abuse of Americans. Shills for these shooting hoaxes work for a police state, a miserable place to be. Much love and respect for ST and CG.

LOL a post on Vice threatening to Kill Robert and Granny has 1000 likes! Lets help make it happen!

maybe we are already in a cartoon?

Your language gives you away you filthy Jew shill Michael Williamodell Reszneki 2119 Michigan Ave. Los Angeles California 90033 .