
Was this Women paid by a banned Truther? The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides, "No Truther shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury.

Three on going reason for all of the fake as hell mass shooting hoaxes. 1.) Gun Sales....Took me a long time to figure that out as it is not for gun control. The elites hold large stock positions in these companies since 2009 many are up 1,200% plus. 2.) Elites are now moving to beefed up security services exampled by OSI Systems, Inc. they provide metal detectors, scanners, CCTV networks, along with all of the other traditional private security systems. Pushing for legislation to mandate all of the above for public schools, universities, hospitals, stadiums, or any large facility. This company would easily move from almost 1 billion in yearly sales to at least 15 or 20 billion within 5 years of the legislation. 3.) Pushing the mental health issue. I call this future legislation - The Political Dissident Act - If you have a web site, blog, or do videos and you gain a following and don’t adhere to the current political narrative police authorities will deem an individual unbalanced thus he or she may harm themselves. Therefore will be needed to be taken to a mental hospital - against their will - AND TREATED. After a month or two if this person’s brain is not fried the desire for political dissent will end. The mental health is right out of the East German Stassi playbook which of course today is called Department of Homeland Security.

Did Vice then even TRY to look at the bullet holes that never were there? :-)

Would it be possible to exhume the bodies and have DNA tests done to prove the shootings? I wish I had half the balls Side Thorn has!

Haha, it’s only a C grade video 😂😂

NA s I’M AghDAM would this link to HIM a nice boy ADAM...

Come on mate. Where is the milkshake man ? He ties the whole story together. These fuckers are the C grade actors.

Aye, they’re mixing up the ages already as is their norm. Also, did you see Chuck’s vid on YT showing Google search results going back as far as March 28th for this? Same old, same old.

BYO popcorn.

Sadly, many people will. 😕

Well now, I guess she is considered a Muslim or Persian woman. So now we must be afraid of everyone. Just pathetic really. Noone would believe in the lie.

A Girl???😜


Just when thought it safe to think....

And she looks like a dude

Always room for a few agendas

It’ll probably be a completely different narrative tomorrow 🤣

Ridiculous isn’t it? Thanks. 😁

Thanks Nicole. 👍🏼

Thanks. This is a stupid psy op. Ridiculous