
I used to work at Google and there is no way anyone is gonna storm that place. Front doors, back doors, side doors, upstairs, downstairs, every single place you go, you rfid scan in. Doors don’t open unless you scan in. Its very hard to get into Google/Youtube.

Metal detectors and warm airport greetings for all, everywhere you go. Makes you think there’s a contest going on for most unbelievable criminal act of fraud psyop. This pile of shit could fertilize every farm in Uhmerica

My money is on Side Thorn. A crisis actor vs Side Thorn. It would take a bus of crisis actors to take him out. But the problem is when they really start bleeding, they will truly have never seen blood like that.

To make this legal you have to obtain the actual birth names of these actors. Since they are all using Pseudonyms this would not stand in any court of law.

Or worse.. It may be the dust.. See my video here IDK but who knows whats out there .

Me vewy vewy quiet 😂😂

I scrape a knee and whine for 2 hours.. tough chick lol..


Still wont eat that sht!

LOL... Its a menu item.. or comes with the chicken salad.. :)


Man.. just got online and the streets are filled with piles of new stuff. lol.. thanx man!

She is a dirty filthy grubby...Ashkenazi JEW....Makes your skin crawl...

This eye witness bears a striking resemblance to the Orlando Pulse (flag shirt guy) eye witness. Same eyes and ears and mannerisms.

Who is this Vice Channel?? DHS? CIA? Or some other intelligence service???

Clear backpacks for all JewTube employees.


YouTube was taken over by Alphabet agencies, Google is the gummint... Zuckerberger hospill? C’mon SPECTER(like the sPI agency? CAMPBELL (like the soup)? LOL a FED-X truck CAMEO? was it delivering new scripts? OMG this is! I’m hunting wabbits

Its so good to have a platform I can watch knowing the content will be there tomorrow. So I can laugh again and again and again. And then sigh while I think about the dumb sheeple who buy this shit. Love your work mate. And MM is back, on this platform.

Stay tuned for next months hoax. It could possibly involve a midget Russian tranny double agent spy, who had golden showers with Trump, gone rogue on a mass shooting rampage somewhere in the land of the free.rn