
They always called us and we never ran from a fucking thing in our lives .

Haven’t even begun to lose it on air , stay tuned ...

He is a 125lb weakling all mouth bitch !

ps you retarded cunt , we can’t "beg" the filthy pigs to file the charges , the snakes are running like the bitches they are ...

But yet not a one of you all mouth never done a fucking thing cunts will ever meet me ?

On the contrary , this pathetic movement I have watched people try to sell calmly hasn’t done a fucking thing but lose ground daily over the last almost 30years . FINALLY we are shining some light and getting attention from the mainstream bitches . This is just the beginning ...

Woman with self inflicted gunshot wound. LOL!

found you! you guys do great work!!

We will now petition for the complete footage returned and then we will all see the whole truth . Of course we never ran from this filth , our hours and hours of footage will show we always chased them down to ask questions . The truth never runs ...

Excellent , always love your comments !

Once again another all mouth nutlicker .

Sure won’t be your pussy ass though huh bitch ?

I might have to wait a bit on mirroring it. It’s tempting but I just waited out my second strike. I’ll have to check my status again because this would be a great video to mirror. Even worth a strike. Do you still have a YT channel?

watching those two put in cuffs gave me a chubby! I hole a Texan takes them out!!!

Watching them put in hand cuffs gave me a chubby. Hope someone in Tx takes them out.

I agree. I think ST lost it when he was waiting there, and felt like he was trying to catch him off guard (which he obviously did). With ST being so harassed and threatened, his only means of defense is to come off tough to scare them into not trying to attack first. Unfortunately, he didn’t need to put up such a defense with soooo many cameras on him. Usually ST is pretty calm, but looking at it I think he was creeped out by Pomeroy waiting for him in the car like that. I think had he not been in the car sitting there, and then coming out when ST backed away from conspiracy granny, I don’t think he would have went so confrontational. Everyone can second guess what they would do in a situation, but this was obviously a setup and Vice had tipped them off on this entire meeting. However, in hind sight, I would hope we all act calm, cool, and collect when we have to confront these liars in our own home state.

Lordy! Shot in the foot. Will we get treated to a few more shoe photos? And I wonder if the witness got to finish his shake? Inquiring minds want to know....

My sides hurt from laughing at the milkshake man... Hahahaha

Shot in the leg, not screaming...relaxed. Simply amazing courage.

Eventually, they will exploit every physically impossible, conceptually ridiculous, and wholly unexplainable fictional scenario that can be banged out by a room full of monkeys. Until that time, cartoons are the closest thing to reality you will see on TV.