
ASIO flagged this video as child porn so nobody can share it on youtube. Here is why: That video can’t be re-uploaded to youtube. It was only ever on youtube once uploaded by a Greens gay rights activist. It has Senator Lee Rhiannon saying Scott Morrision (then immigration) minister is a "homophobic bigot" for not letting an FBI infant sex porn fugitive Dr Matthew Hynd aka @slurptea1 - slurp marriage equality tea - all profits from infant sex lover raised gay marriage activist go to Queensland Aids council - trying to sponsor his illegal immigrant visa over-stayer Pakistani boyfriend. Under immigration law if you are an illegal immigrant over-stayer you can’t marry to stay in the country - you must go home and be banned for 5 years before re-applying even on a marriage visa if you are straight. But that’s not good enough for gays being treated equally so Paedophiles use the Greens to queue jump immigration and it’s a LGBTI issue complete with a Greens press release. Very interesting case.

Next car attack show in Germany...

More videos of the baby rapists asking for LGBTI money - that crowd funding site for pedophiles on the run was linked to by the SBS and ABC TV in Australia. Even George Tekkai on facebook plugged them and told american gays to give the baby sex lovers LGBTI cash.

The more you watch it the funnier it gets .

Alternate description to use when you share this video: â–¶Deep State Greens video censorship. rnLee Rhiannon On Camera praising a baby rapist FBI fugitive’s (@sluptea1 still on twitter though in jail now) right to keep his illegal immigrant visa overstayed paki boyfriend in the country who doesn’t want to be treated equally to hetrosexual visa over-stayers who have to go to their country - be banned for 5 years for overstaying and then try and marry. rnrnLook at Lee Rhiannon trying to help a paki immigration queue jumper get a visa sponsored by a FBI confirmed baby fucker!rnrnThis video can’t be re-uploaded to youtube and it’s only ever been on youtube once hosted by an Australian Greens LGBTI activist!rnrnShe says then immigration minister Scott Morrison is a Homophobic bigot for not giving in to the baby fuckers demand to have his pedo mate stay in the country with him.

Things That Don’t Make Sense About Justin P. Hess’ (aka Justin Woolee) a double murder is a good video very fishy shit can’t be backed up by - they put up a firewall against people backing up their pages. funny eh?

you aussie mate? your name sounds like a JJJ radio host from my long term memory.

The narrator is Justin Hess Woolee, who supposedly killed his mom and another person. He is supposedly currently sitting in prison.

The video was downloaded with open source video downloader. No modification to the video was made since youtube encoded it and shared it. They won’t take back their own encoded video - because a deep state censorship order was done to this video that’s only ever been on youtube once uploaded by a lgbti activist. Download the video yourself and try and re-upload to see how youtube protected the Greens Gay rights spokesperson Lee Rhiannon (before Bandt) policitians and their links to baby sex lovers.

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URGENT! (YOU NEED TO LISTEN!) CHEMTRAILS ARE REAL! THEY ARE POISONING & CHANGING YOU! Save & Extend Your Life & Your Family’s Lives. The best resource for detoxing (removing) the accumulative toxic poison heavy metals in chemtrails safely from your body before becoming chronically sick is at rn

Farking disgraceful Lee Rhianon

JL Sr. was arrested in ’03. What info do we have on Pomeroy before ’03?

Is Frank Pomeroy really Johnnie Langendorff Sr......?

The professor!!! Keep the pressure on the phony fake show!!!

Walter: oh wise one, tell us what to do.... 💩

The people who are color of terrorists are predominantly white. 🚓👮