
Stop calling them patsies, they are terrorists paid to deceive people. They are chosen, they strike a deal and when it’s all over they are much richer, in some other place and with their bank accounts full of money and criminal records erased.

Here’s Annabels "mother" from SutherlandSprings talking about abusing her.."kill and rape" other details. She says she’s hiding out in "Blum" Blum Texas?

oops I sent to soon. :)

If you like reverse speech.. please see my channel . :) Reverses Speech is the subconscious talking.. a lie detector on steroids.. (I have my reasons for trusting Trump) .I expose pedophiles and crisisactor.. so I got banned on youtube. Check it out. Thanks for your uploads!

You think he’s building the wall to keep us IN?? :) Where are you going to run to anyway? it’s paranoia. He’s protecting us. All you’re talking about is the evil side.. we must support him to protect ourselves.

Love Sidethorn and Granny- I’m sharing them like mad.. HEROES!

Trump is US.. :)

CGI crisis actors. Crisis actors are going to strike.

Mabey John was just Barrowing the homeless man the shirt and jacket....He was just jewing him.

Now that FD2L 5 is gone, can you post your visit to the church here? The HOAX PENTAGRAMS are a key piece of evidence.

As you can see the shills are running free propaganda bullshit because of this con set-up. rnThe problem here is that it’s the zombies out there that will see it, not the scarce minority of the truthers who already knew in advance what was gonna happen and what would happen afterwards (including the shilling: you may have a fine example on LiveLeak’s AltPlanetZ channel where not a single shill is capable of debating on the evidence). The evidence is all that’s needed to plant the seed, the RIGHT seed. We’re not gonna get it on the enemy’s turf. The pastor is not a sack of shit because somebody says so without a reason but without showing them the reason it’s a point for the enemy. The pastor is not the target, the AUDIENCE is the target. You know... those several billion zombies out there who believe these hoaxes are real.

I’m glad to see you here . Cheers mate

It’s the Jewish mafia.

So this does NOT get lost in comments below, I would suggest that the jesuit influence is NOT the top of the heap. there is one more step above it. < that in the background is the real power behind these simple men. without it, we could have routed them many moons ago. Take a good look at that image and tell me thats not to honor a hidden hand of power. Thats not of men. Believe what you wish.. its right in plain sight. Peace

Side Thorn says: "... FINALLY there is worldwide attention.."rnrnYep, the whole WORLD has seen the face of the truther movement.

You’re welcome

Not here for your entertainment "Jeff" ......BYE

Great story. All for personal self defense. I’m vigilant against sneak thieves but the 2nd amendment isn’t necessarily about personal self defense. It’s about collective self defense. United against tyranny

plenty of stories like this but only are reported on the local level with little coverage.

I kept thinking their was some video I wanted to watch, but forgot. Our Friday night beer drinking get together just watched this.........thxs AML I have to clean the beer stains on the carpet from spitting out their beer in!!!! ;)