
Boy, oh boy! I CANNOT STAND TYT. And it amazes me to realize that only two years ago I used to subscribe to them. How far I have come in such a short time...and truth-tellers (like S.T.J. and C.G. and other brave souls) have helped me. But also sell-out, nasty, shilling, amoral creeps like Uygur and Kasparian also helped me by revealing themselves for what they are.

Skinny chin! 😂😂 the skinny chin connection!

I watched every video these 2 have put out and I stand with them.

Kelsey musta seen your video, she is clarifying her tale of BEIGEL IN THE HALLWAY

The feds require these drills for anyone that accepts their funding

The audio is really creepy, like this hoax

that is bizarre

Love the colors at 2:50 in that classroom.. yellow, blue and pink. Now where have we seen that color combination before

She is awesome , another awake warrior !

Someone who gets it and you wouldn’t believe how many leads on these hoaxes are rolling in because of it !

That’s right you worthless shill bitch and all you filthy demons are running scared ! Dance for me my little ballerina .

Gratitude and support, Ole!

If the sheep wont wake up to the Hoaxes, and the Psychopathic criminals in our government get their way, they are going to need Muscle to help them. As bad as all the Alphabet soup organizations have gotten, they just don’t have the manpower to arrest every non compliant American, and they will be hard pressed to get the majority of troops to go along with their agenda. That’s why they send our troops out in the world to die for nothing, cause as long as they have them distracted fighting the Big Bad CIA Terrorist Boogeyman they are to occupied to fight the real battles at home.

this is disturbing because they are using deerfield to test the waters in furthering the gun grab agenda.

military style assault weapons its not even an accurate term. The AR-15 was designed for the purposes of civilian use. Also if a gun is not select fire and automatic then it is a misnomer. There is so much deceit with the language and legislation proposals. Everybody who cares about civil liberties should take notice and not comply with this blatant tyranny and abuse of authority.

Such stupidity coming from Illinois, anti aircraft?, armor piercing? forcing people to give up their weapons or else? they don’t even understand enough about what they are talking about to function in this discussion. The second amendment is in place so that people can resist tyranny which is exactly what Illinois has brought on it’s citizens. Hopefully nobody needlessly dies in all this stupid shit, and hopefully the people of Illinois wake up before it’s too late,

An outstanding presentation. Thank you.

Remember this guy? Bring the Un on US soil? Lets see where this may go on "enforcement". Phone numbers emails and addressees are on video above.

lol.. no.. For alter video. haha.. Glad you caught it 👍 👍

4 years difference doesn’t matter.