
I agree. The only possible patsy i can think of post newtown would be the brothers in boston. But even them i’m not sure. The kid in parkland most likely is part of it. I have a hard time believing that even though these people have no souls that if they were actually killing innocent people be it victims or patsies that someone would blow the whistle. 9/11 being the exeption but with 9/11 i think only a few involved knew what it really was.

Welcome to 153news man! I read almost all of your posts pm voat, before it became plauged with pedophiles and shills. Keep digging. You should make a documentary accounting for all the stuff you research over the years and make it to the point. Love your work, peace.

This is JL jr FB arrest paperwork. Underage alcohol.

I’m Aussie but got no JJJ connection. Wouldn’t mind having worked there but, cheers mate

Austin: JL jr. also had underage drinking misdemeanor in ’11. That is what he posted on his FB.

Austin: the one problem is JL Sr is around 55 according to mugshot d.o.b. Frank Pomeroy is 51. I have jr.’s arrest record. He also posted it on his FB page. Frank Pomeroy also known as Donnell F Pomeroy. Moved around a lot.

US Counties » Texas » Comal County, TX » John Clay Langendorff:

I think you are spot on. New Braunfels Arrest Records for Inmate JOHNNIE CLAY LANGENDORFF:

A lot of these so called ’truthers’ never make that connection. They blame the illuminati, masons, nwo, deepstate, etc...but they never say it’s the jew behind it all.

However, Frank aka Donnell F Pomeroy, is 51 and mug shot photo states JL Sr. is 55 or so.

I wouldn’t waste my hate-surplus on that prick. I massively dislike the whole crowd. Today’s generations’ mainstream media. Glad I didn’t see the Rogan interview. He’s someone who’s near the top of my dislike list. :) I enjoyed the song! Haha, WHAT THE HELL was that "activist" at the end!? I had to laugh at it, but he/it kinda confused me. :/

This is awesome !

Elaine Hogg seen in any of this Ft Lauderdale video?

You’re crazy.

Austin: Southpaw(guest) deserves credit for first looking into it. I asked him if I could expand on it and he had no problems. The key is how far back does Pomeroy exist.

It Is Very Much Possible. Nice comparing pictures.

All very good , but what everybody needs to do in every Country is STOP voting !!! .

the gummint works in devious ways

they should stop the psyops before someone gets hurt