
You were not really born on the Illuminati’s birthday in ’69, were you? You can’t be as old as me.

Chinada3 and Reality Check 123 are pussy ass never done a fucking thing worthless pieces of mouthy trash .

Best thing that ever happened for the truth in the history of mankind . Worldwide attention to a subject they preferred silent , show me another one . They are running scared and we absolutely love the position they have now put us in . The seed has been planted .

And exactly what the fuck have you done to gain the world’s attention to this cause ? Oh that’s right just run your fucking mouth on a computer . Thanks for nothing bitch .

Why not today ?

Good , then we finally get to purge these corrupt demons .

Good ! Finally the entire world has heard the words crisis actor and hoax . The truth community needs to drop to it’s dead in the water , going nowhere fast knees and thank God . It is worth every ounce of abuse they are throwing our way !

Yea cause you silent cocksucking so-called truthers have accomplished so much with your passive approach the 30 years I have been watching ?! FINALLY there is worldwide attention and you all mouth filthy never done a fucking thing pussy bitches want to run your pathetic little cumholes . You ain’t heard nothing yet you punk motherfucker , stay tuned , PUSSY !

How about Lara Croft as role playing model for Nasim?

Awesome. Thank you.

Some random video about a stabbing.

WTF ??? That fat old man must have an IQ of 70 or lower . Lol

I should just ignore this, but I can’t. Eden is my daughter and every single word she said was from her mouth, her mind and her soul. What you have done to a 15 year old girl who had her life changed in 20 minutes on February 14 is outside of the bounds of humanity. I know Americans have different opinions, but I can’t understand why you would use my daughter, an innocent girl whose school was shot up by a crazy person and who lost friends and classmates, as a pawn in your agenda. These kids have been through enough. Please, try and have just a little bit of sympathy.

At about 1.40 when the shadow is on the throat. LOOK at THE SHADOW RABBIT supposedly formed by her /it, two fingers and fist.. This has been a feature of many videos of hoaxes. THE SHADOW RABBIT in Numerology = 93 . THE SATURN number 93, all related to TIME etc... FAKE CHANNEL FAKE STORY. PFS . PHONY FAKE SHOW.

I hate Milo the bigot alt con

It matters a lot.

youtube is going the way of TV.... govt propaganda--in fact, the govt saw the wonder of tv brainwashing and ran with it. On another odd note: I’m in Ohio. I went to pay our internet bill and I also pay for one of my kid’s too at the same time. They made me show my Driver’s License TO PAY THE BILL. And then... she typed alot of info in the computer. I said: "what are you doing--I’m just paying bills and they arent even in my name." She said: "Oh, this is what they said we have to do. They made us take a class. If Someone doesn’t show an ID, we cant let them pay the bill" I have Spectrum, newly taken over from Time Warner. One way or another, "they" will be able to track everything and everyONE connected with an internet account. So We are to be punished for our ASSOCIATES deeds. Just like TVOR.

G’day Hamish 👍🏼

Strange. Who was the dude he was talking about? Why was he ’arrested’? If he was talken into custody, is he still in custody or has he been released? And why? As for the old dude who said "he shot the woman 10 times"(different witness but I think you know who I’m referring to) who was shot 10 times and who shot her? Strange story. Didn’t the shooter injure 3 and and then ’take her own life’? Strange.