
Yep , all just a pack of lying fed demons . Trump and everyone inside that snakepit knew exactly what was going on , crisis actors and paid protestors .


Where is Ray Epps? He was doing just as much, the sheep will believe anything. Thank you for the video.

I suspect her has been p promised a seat on the Arc.. Shill..cover stories for D E W

Perhaps this next one will get their attention? Gates of hell said. What does he know that we don’t? Masking the die off from the potion?

Duel Purpose showcasing intimidation and and forwarding agenda 15 min cities? Whatever motivation it’s still murder!!

Yep , yet we have seen no such videos at all . 100% HOAX .

I’ve been thinking for some time now that this is where this Psyop is heading.

When watching that video from 2017, the idea came to mind that if 40 people are in a shooting scene and 3 die, 3 or more would have bullet wounds and still be living. I would imagine the vegas one would result in some people showing their own video at the event and showing their own wounds.

Messiah said to do the opposite of what you’re saying. There is nothing funny about any person acting as judge or jury or condemning any soul. Shocked at what I’m reading. We are told to do the COMPLETE opposite. So please, wake up, read some Scripture and stop speaking like a fool. ....just joined a week ago too..hmm, thanks for coming out

One big 33 shitshow . Figuring Joe’s payday at about 2-3 million and it sure looks like Trump is a shoo-in ...

I never paid much attention to any of this BS but I have to agree with you assessment in the description box, how can anyone who claims to have an intelligent thinking brain dismiss all the 33’s, your so-called intelligent brains don’t count for Jack Squat, please go back to sleep. PS I hope 153news pulls through, it’s getting dangerously close to being over.

This post makes me not want to be on this site. gfy

Sorry to hear it . Have him watch the video of Joe in the description above . He will see what a bunch of lying pussies he associates with .

The Sky Is Falling err climate change. Trumps job is to feed hopium to the chumps and make sure they are good little targets that do nothing cause hopium is free delivered at warped speed.

No shit. The general public needs to assult the police into the dirt. It would be well deserved. Why wait?

When I buy sugar I try to buy only the raw cane powder or honey. They have made honey so expensive it’s a joke. I used to buy it in Haiku for a $1/lb. Recently when I bought organic sugar I noticed the ingredients said half sugar and half added sugar and this was on every type of sugar and every bag, organic or not. After I said something to the manager the lablels changed, no shit. Basically I think they are spraying actual sugar with their poison sugar syrups so that they can claim it’s just all sugar but they bulk and weigh it up with the syrup crap. Erythritol is also posion yet it’s labled as if it’s the best thing since sliced bread. My 89yr old neighbor died right before 911 and took no pills at all. I told him the reason why is he was raised in Canada a long time ago when there was a hell of a lot less poison in our food supply. He died peacefully in his sleep. My doctor took my blood, no doubt to sell the dna, and then promptly told me I had HepC and I would need a Rx for the cure, pills. I looked them up and the side effects were the same as if you were giving yourself a heath issue so I told em I would fix it myself. Can’t trust wheat either. Can’t trust shite. bottom line is raw, organic food is the only thing you should buy. If anything is added that came from a laboratory it’s not going to process well and that is how dis-ease happens. don’t be afarid to eat just be aware of what’s in what you eat. The more natural the healthier it will be for you. PERIOD. You do not need anything made different than nature made it to begon with. period. Fuck this guy. Your body will tell you what you need and everyone is different. Moron needs to take his encyclopedia of horseshit and eat it.

The Greatest show on Earth under the Big Top rolls on. The sad thing is I have a brother who considers himself a “Proud Boy” so this will be a hard pill to swallow.

As far as 911? NOTHING gets in our airspace that is not allowed to begin with. There’s no such thing as a rogue commercial airplane. BTW, doing a long drawn out video about negative past events as if you are waking people up is a fng joke. Dwelling in the past like it somehow holds the keys to your future is an intent and not a good one. Science was not broken dumbfuck. LIES ARE THEIR WEAPONS of mass destraction destruction. It’s a double edged sword and they going use both edges on dull awarenesses.

Speaking farming check this out very sad