
Shout it from the mountain tops!

Where The Land Was Zapped: Matt Roeske Lays Out Lahaina Truths & Newly Emerged Satellite Images Tell a Dark Story "Dust Fences," clear evidence of DEWs, Cease and Desist Writ of Mandamus, and the latest developments of the heartbreaking Lahaina atrocity

The Operation Lost Souls thing looks like a psyop, cover for the government agencies which actually facilitate the trafficking.

I wonder, are there enough people to refuse round two?

Trials or not; their guilt is manifest. If they refuse to be prosecuted; then, other means of bringing them to justice will have to sought.

maybe the blue roof was for the operator to not target the DEW it was obviously a fire deliberately started for the elites to clear the land for themselves

I know, I hadn’t had time to respond to that yet, but yeah the Army corps of engineers, this is what the military has been reduced to under a succession of puppet Presidents, a cake walk for China or Russia or in collaboration with their allies, brings to mind Colonial Kurtz in Apocalypse Now, where he leaves a painted message, drop the bomb.

Just look at these brain-dead idiots wearing face diapers. So sad....

Military personnel: nothing more than corporate mercenaries. Just stop with the patriotism shit: they’re killing for someone else’s almighty dollar and nothing more

It is either the jab doing this or the code word re-election makes him freeze up

We drove 2 vehicles with everything I considered a necessity for 19 days. It was a wild, wild, trip. It would be far easier to float your cars down than make that drive but it’s driveable.

here’s one for the Prof. ...

Wow. You had actual personal experience in this area. I always appreciate your comments.

Don’t forget Canada.


Madonna is an old Witch !

Everything is staged !!!

I would like to remind people about coincidences. Denis Healey former member of Parliament and finance director in the UK events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or COMMERCE and most of them are staged and managed by those that hold the purse strings. COMMERCE was the smoking gun to this event in Maui.

How did you travel to Panama Boss and did you take belongings with you?

Just uploaded a video on Operation Blue Roof and the Maui Fires covering much of what your video showed. I worked in a foundry in California, and two in Michigan in the melt rooms heating the pots to melt aluminum and other metals, and aluminum had to be poured much hotter that the 1220°, often upwards of 1600° and you can’t convince me that wildfires caused this kind of devastation regardless of whether they were stoked by tropical storm winds, glass depending on the composition has a melting point well above 2500° they are trying to sell this lie to the Sheeple because they know they are stupid and will believe what ever they are told like good robots.