
Catherine austin fitts explains it well. She uses gis mapping and federal banking locations coupled with basic economic data overlayed on the same map. New york, frisco, and cali are all the slow track 666 plan. Maui, not least of which they are an island far from help, was the fast track to save time and money plan. Same with the paradise fires. The riots in portland achieve the same thing for slow track redevelopment. Destroy the economy and then either cancel insurance beforehand or make new laws making it impossibly expensive to start over forcing the sale of land. Hurricanes, floods, condemming of structures, flooding the population with drugs, are all ways to destroy a local economy near some federal located bank who then swoops in and handles all the money transfers all the while doing it at cost and making lots more on the backside. The local governments of course will be part of the pillaging with the complete blessing from the feds aka the banks. She actually states out of 36 locations where there is a federal bank location, 34 have been hit with disasters, riots, fires, floods, you name it. DeSantis is just one of many governors who should be shot dead for not outright banning the shots, lockdowns, and mask 3+ years ago. Trump should be drawn and qaurtered slowly. New york and cali are locations where the influx of illegals pushes the economy to it’s own destruction, on purpose of course. I love all peoples everywhere but the mexicans better wake the f up. They are migrating to their own demise, fkn morons. Then there’s the bio-hazard excuse to quarantine. They have the money and the people to force you out that way as well if they choose. Don’t forget kids. If you are offered a needle make sure you take it away and shove it through the fucks eyesocket as deep as it will go.

They both need injections. To make sure they are vaxed you must shove the entire syringe throught their eyesocket and when it hit sthe brain you know they are safe and good to go. Best part is it will only take a single shot so it saves time and money.

Martin is a POS as I’ve exposed before. He claims you’re an idiot if you think the Rothschilds have anything to do with the scamdemic EVEN THOUGH THEY PATENTED THE BS19 TEST KIT IN 2015. He claims it’s the life insurance companies behind it. The same life insurance companies paying out 40% more in death benefits since the rollout of the FrankenVaxx. The SOB has a tattoo of "Horus, the all seeing eye" on his left shoulder. Copy and paste the link into your browser. rn


I get it. I’m highlighting the land grab scenario. Everyone @ 153 knows the agenda is malevolent. These guys can deny it all they want, who cares.We’re smart enough to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Hell, I can take pictures of friends holding an empty syringe to my arm. That’s all they did here. If Rashi DID in fact get jabbed and boosted, he’d likely be dead now anyway. Fuck these clowns.

"Dr" Martin should be totally ignored, he’s one of "them."

I agree, the sheep will never wake up, they are too indoctrinated to see truth.

That is nothing but a waste of skin and bones. Better to bury it than pay any attention to it.

If anyone were to "take out" any of these psychopathic monsters, the sheep wouldn’t get it, they’d think just the opposite, which is just what the nwo wants. Regardless, I am def in need of some target practice on some live targets.....

Totally agree.

Please donate to keep 153news alive.

Please donate to keep 153news alive.

Please donate to keep 153news alive, this is the end of the month there’s not much time left.

David Martin is one of them IMO and he points to a lot of things correctly as do so many who are controlled opposition like Alex Jones, but he won’t get into whether these fires were intentionally set, instead he uses the term negligently set, like so many he is here to misdirect while seemingly telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This is all apart of Agenda 21 and their push to lock down the world and return most to a slave society, Is there anything whereof it may be said see this is new? it hath already been of old time which was before us for that which is done is that which shall be done and there is no new thing under the sun . Ecclesiastes.

Have watched Katie Hopkins from time to time, and a lot of her stuff has leaned towards putting a humorous bend on these events, but here it is more serious and she is spot on, but they plan on doing this to all forms of transportation till everything is shut down and your not allowed to travel for what they will likely say are safety concerns, but their only concern is to keep you locked up in their 15 minute cities as a prisoner totally dependent on them for your meager existence.

Looked up the name Idalia several days ago and came up with much of the same as you, what’s important to note, whether it’s Greek Roman, or some other ancient culture in antiquity, the West loves to worship and return to these failed culture’s which have long since crumbled in the dustbin of history but which the New World Order is intent on imitating, and yes weather modification is alive and well and has been weaponized, that’s not to say that some of these storms don’t occur naturally, but the technology is so far advanced so as to augment their intensity and and steer them and use for their own agenda regardless the cost in human lives and those displaced by these unnatural weather events.

Why do people holler term limits? We the ordinary slaves have absolutely no input or control over what they do in government.

I noticed that Tower 7 reference too.

no doubt hes another crypto jew zionist