

It’s not Alzheimer’’s geoengineering and 5g

Yes...! Villa Lobos

my brain hurts more every day

great post. no one seems to remember how bad 2020 was

i just sent in a resume to itv, haha

and an excellent musical score!

It was surreal. Took me almost a month to realize it was a lie. What cinched it for me was at the exact time it was happening bush jr was sitting crosslleged in front of little kids pretending to read to them. All while the MSM was doing the same but to adults. What people need to understand is the attack on America physically started then and has been ongoing ever since. The forever middle east wars are yet another obvious clue.

You’re the one with the change agent BS. I never even recferred to any sy=uch thing. Just because you have no idea what human awareness can do doesn’t make your fantasies reality other than in your own mind.

So we should extract just the audio and toss the video portion eh? Good one. The secret of the ages finally revealed but it’s audio only lol. If audio only, the video IS the context and without it it is MEANINGLESS which is the actual truth, imo of course. You however may seek whatever you wish from a nothing burger. Just don’t be surprised when it fails to feed anything but your imagination.

The Coved Stage 2 pre programming, social engineering, psychological hypnosis and manipulation of the tv deity worshipping gogglebox society - started a little while ago and getting into a bigger snowball as is slowly rolls down the hill - sad thing is, the m’asses’ are still mostly gullible goyim who worship their tv/government/science deities and do and think what they’re told…….not many will awaken from their slumber but we can only try

Well based on what little there is shown above I am guessing the guy on the videographers back has no video uploads anywhere and is seeking attention thinking that social media will save him. He obviously has no girlfriend or friends either. Hauli is an understatement. IOW, nothing to see here.

Alzheimers. When your attention is half way in the spirit world cause you never learned how to change direction. Even if there was a cure which there isn’t he aint worth it obviously. You can tell anyone who knows him is just waiting for him to drop dead. Live on tv they could gaf.

People who give speaches of truth may as well keep their mouth shut because that will not change shit these motherfuckers are doing.

Lies are weapons of mass destruction. This is their playbook and they are openly and obviously using it now. This is also why they are getting away with it. By continualy creating chaos for the masses and destroying any attempt at people’s ability to gather and speak honestly and publicly. This ensures any attempt to physically fight back will basically go nowhere. This is also why they continuously attack individuals and their rights. Keeps the enemy, us, weak. People will have to sacrifice if they are to fight back. There is no other way and there is no other choice.

Turd limits. Had enough?

Free health care for the world by your new Dr. you don’t need didn’t ask for and who is more ignorant of your health than are you. Imagine a slow bullet disguised as a needle. What disgusts me is they can fake any televised injection effectively making sure those who push it are able to keep pushing it. When people realize the only way to fight back is to kill these scumbag whores I will start dishing out shots myself. For FREEEEE How in the fck does congress exempt themselves from getting sick or taking the shot? The bullets haven’t arrived yet is how. Sledgehammers will work great too. Cures everything. you name it.

What does one do with oneself once they realize that they are soon going to Hell? Re-election,... what? You ponder that you were going to take all that money you stole and spend your last few years basking in a glorious retirement. But now you know that you were fooled, and you are too old and feeble to enjoy any of it. What can you say? Time certainly is up.

Good to heaR YOUT VOICE mATTYd !

Stalkkers. fucking sleaze.