
Some Hawaiins live in the fields right next to the cane. With no electricity btw.

beforeit’snews is a shitty site. too many popups and other bs. should just call it after the news cause the actual news will never say this and beforeit’s aint before squat. They gettin it just like evrybody else

An Ulapalakua Thing. As far as I can tell that song was never played when he was there. could of used more black face imo

Who the hell is Rushi Sunak? He must be a very important person to have all these photo ops.

They are just puppets and new characters will be or are selected already elections are rigged and we deserve everything we get cause we allowed it our parents allowed it and our grandparents allowed it ! We been dupped! And soon our children are next sad to say . I to take blame for not wakn up sooner not that it change anything but we need a team to end it there are no white hats only checkerd ones! But no doubt judgement is mine said the lord!! So be it!

More like, showing you what your government is gearing up to be. NONEXISTENT. 5Ggeneering my arsehole

Victim eh? pff

Anyone who owns a farm anywhere needs to actively collude with all his neighbors AND have an entire arsenal to back it up with. IOW, if the government knows what you have they will eventually come and take it by force. Defense only will be as useless as doing nothing. Destroying american farming when it was in it’s infancy. makes my bood boil.

Haarp weather modification!!!!!!

The cokcnative dicknocence is some POS pretending he won’t go there or he’s not sure. I cannot stand assholes who pretend they need to pussyfoot around what is obvious truths. Everything they do IS intentional, on purpose, planned ahead of time, and is never a rehearsal for anything. There was no experiment, study, nor was there a warp speed production of jack shit. Warped Speed was simply the farce of people going through the motions so the public could get a show. The fact every home across the country has a LAWN was intentional. It’s the same crap in britain. I’ve known for a very long time that what goes in britain they will try to force here in the states. RIght now they are actively trying to eliminate the office of the President. Don’t got one there. The entire shitshow about worrying about some snake in the ass trump is a LIE. They are attacking the very foundation of our country. They want exactly what goes on in britain here. No guns, knives, religion, personal freedoms or privacies whatsoever, and quite obviously no growing food on your own. They just destroyed one american farmer and took an amish farmers entire stock away for no other reason than they had the guns. Really we need to ambush these fucks and slaughter them wholesale to send the right message.

Usually they say A Developing Story. Nope. White supremacist who hates blacks, apparently they can read his mind and know exactly how he feels. Love the part how they say VICTIM even before anything happens. OR, tbney use the word SUSPECT even though it’s obvious by the video who is who. PROTIP The use of the word VICTIM is completely intentional. IT IS A LIE. Victims only exist from a personal view standpoint so they are intentionally manipulating your feelings by using this word. They are intentionally fucking with your energetic body by simply using words. IT IS ALL A LIE. By agreeing with anything they say you are then energetically captured and your energy is essentially wasted if not destroyed. BTW, they don’t gaf who shot who EVER. It’s been obvious for well over 3+ years now they fully intend on killing as many as possible and they don’t gaff how that happens. THERE ARE NO VICTIMS EVER IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF MANKIND ON THIS EARTH. They use that word to manipulate and control people using the person’s own emotions. Their energetic body. They dsire that people never take responsibility for anything which is a LIE. The innocent cannot be victims simply because you cannot be 2 different things at once. Both of which require the entire energetic body to be true. NEVER AGREE with a fuck thing they say EVER!!, and NEVER use that word. Victimhood is simply an easy way to steal another’s power. You take their entire life, all their accomplishments, everything they ever did and toss it in the trash in a single moment. THER ARE NO VICTIMS period. word to the wise

So easily faked yet the sheeple still eat this stuff up.

What’s deafening is the lack of any rebuttal from anyone she is supposedly speaking to. Definitely a crowd you don’t want to be any part of.

It’s a distraction to keep the sheeple fighting amongst themselves so their energy is focused away from potentially seeing the truth of the matter. Yes, puppets are selected, not elected, for any position of power that matters.

Only those who are satanic will want to follow them. Without their slaves they literally have no power at all. When I say we need to start killing every single last one of the order takers I am not kidding. Preferably starting with the ones at the top like governors, leaders, ceo’s etc. but really every single one even if they are just some dumbfuck newscaster will help. For instance, if all the newsstations were bombed that in and of itself would make a huge dent in their BS. What’s funny is the only thing they will actually accomplish is their very own hellish prison. No sane person will be part of that madness and God’s people will not suffer their lies much longer. God Speed. Trump can shove warped speed up ivankas butt perched on the tip of his penis.

Critical thinking skills are becoming more and more a lost art.

His face does certainly seem stuck in that "look of horror".

The thought process can actually be switched completely off. I’ve done it myself. What people need to know and learn is that not only does every thought count but you must learn to control them or they will control you. People really have no comprehension of just how powerful their own thought is. God’s Word. In fact anything IS achievable if you were to simply learn to use God’s Word. Being aware is half the battle. The nwo knows most are unaware so that is their weapon. Like stealing candy from a bunch of babies. BTW, they can stick their elf mind fuck weapons in their ass. great video I did not watch simply because I do not need to know how to hurt people. I already know. First things first is to divide them from GOD aka each other. The rest is too easy. Anybody remember that song that goes Switch On Switch OFF? Some kroq band from the 80’s I have no idea who atm.

Not surprisingly, it looks like the video is no longer available on youtube.

What’s the difference between the so-called elites and yourself? Easy. The nwo faggots never stand in a line to fly anywhere. There’s no such thing as a canceld flight. Remember 911? They canceled every flight in the entire US, except for themselves of course. Some shieks needed a flight out and didn’t want any troubles. What people need to understand is they will attack you just based on knowing your habits and routines. If they control the airports simply booking a flight makes you a target, an extremely easy one at that because you know they know but you went ahead anyways. Just another reason why privacy IS security. Social media is a simple way to monitor people’s movements. I’ve never been on myspace, facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin and I told google to f off beforfe gmail was even out of beta. Fuck all those motherfuckers. They are all in on it.