
Ha ha ha ha...."Vacinatedville"......I love it!

Right on , now that is freedom ! When you know what is truly going on in the U.S. you can’t help but feel like a caged and abused animal 24/7 . I don’t think it is possible for anyone to hate America as much as I do . If there was a button ...

When we think of things being staged, we never think of thousands of children being used in such an event, but I have thought long and hard if in fact this wasn’t used here as well? either way a despicable crime against children has taken place.

Panama 2 room little house with fresh water - $195 a month. You could live in a mansion for $600 a month. My taxes on 30 acres of jungle every year is under $50 bucks. No permits are needed to dig, to build, to do anything. After I left the US, I never felt as free as I do now. The US is a 5th world country compared to what folks would called a 3rd world country. Outside of the US, they don’t have pigs hiding behind trees with high tech radar equipment attempting to snap you with you 300 speeding ticket. The best thing I ever did was leave the USA. The only link I have left to the states is and when that is gone, I will be as well.

Wasted away again in Vacinatedville, looking for my health that I lost. Some people say it’s the vaccine to blame....but it’s’s my own damn fault.

You are never too old . Look into Vilcabamba Ecuador or Cuenca Ecuador . Thousands of us already there . Vilcabamba is thought of as the conspiracy capital of the world because so many expats there are fully awake . Perfect weather year round and 1/5 the cost of living with dirt cheap rentals and first class construction homes . See ya there one day or it can just be a wonderful dream seeing the joy of others who have escaped . Hope all truthers can escape this cesspool one day .

Good riddance vaccinated satanist.

A blue roofs prevents earthquake damage. That outta save bundles on retrofitting. Remember what the USED to put people through to retrofit their buildings. Now a five gallon bucket of blue paint and you’re compliant.

I wish there was someplace else I could move to, but I’m too old now, and I don’t know how much longer I have. I’ll try to grin and bear it all. Your observation of America is the gut, honest truth.

We all should start doing the blue roofs

No humans, please. Snoggy Stans, voodoos, masons, homosexuals, church of Rome, Zionists, kaballah, abortion whores, drag queens ok; heterosexual humans STAY OUT, mask-up, isolate, quarantine, and no communicating among yourselves

Exactly. Everyone forgets that Ron is still US Navy with a secret security clearance and worked for DIA in GITMO and a seal team. He’s a spook with a law degree.

Thanks Bruh. But anyone with half a brain in Florida would know that Ron is a fraud and Jesuit Yale boy. He’s gonna be swift-boat before next year election. Ron-Jon is just following orders of his masters. rn;jsessionid=112FF1399EDD36D5CD23DB6BAB5272FCrnNorth Miami Beach will be a smart grid city very soon.rn

Yep ! Same script writers as before. The military industrial complex earthquake in Haiti and the donated 30 billion dollars and that country has gotten worse. Welcome to the new Sodom & Gomorrah. Which island nation is next ?

What are these creatures. Voodoo-controlled zombies? No heterosexuals in the lot. All homosexuals.

He was a sailor. Maybe he had an inside scoop of the genocide in Lahaina.

Well said STJ, WELL said!

It’s a hard pill to swallow even after you have awoken from your slumber, but it is the harsh reality, I have been telling many that the Constitution no longer is in force and that this is now irreversible, but Trump and his fake Charismatic Christians will be there to save us from the order out of chaos that they have created ......... RIGHT?

Yet the sheep will never believe......

You see all these flag waving USA USA idiots everywhere but I ask , "What is there even remotely to be proud of in America , the criminal pedophile politicians , police , judges and first responders faking crimes to grab your guns , or the homeless encampments in every city , the drugged out zombies wading through the mountains of used needles on every block , maybe the rampant looting across the country or the racist thugs in every community targeting innocents for their skin color at the same time screaming for reparations , or maybe it’s the high price of fuel , food and the worthless overtaxed dollar ?" Stick your flag up your ass you worthless sheep .