
Don’t hold back now, tell us what you really think... geez

Those two will go straight to hell soon.

I’m sure it’s all just a coincidence.

This explains why the rich terds are lookn for none vax crues,pilots to fly them around! While the poor get the vaxxed pilots and crash killing a lot people then eventually ending flights for poor slaves as lady said no more flights they all end for poor one way or another then take all gas cars away and being placed in a escape from newyork type of scenario aka prison smart citys..etc.. Slavery .. I am sure all the masktards and the vactards will love it!!

People should have figured out early on what this crowd was up to, I see what Roddy Piper saw with his specialized sunglasses in the movie They Live, but I don’t need no special glasses, all these people belong to a cabal of serpents.

Love it! keep up the good work.

If you find it please post the link here and I’ll put it in the description . Thanks !

Jew World Order

Haven’t seen any part of this psyop as being real . Guess we’ll find out when Trump pardons them . That will be the next chapter of this pathetic script .

Thought the same thing when I saw it. Anyone who has ever worked for Infowars is suspect as well as most of their guests. Makes you wonder if any of the J6 trials and sentences are true. Alex Jones Sandy Hook trial was another phony show.

The fat guy was wearing orange suit (aka =33) had a smirk on his fat face. If that was a tragedy then what was so funny about it that both clowns on the left and the right of Ronny we’re having duping delights. Give me a break. They are all psychopaths.

All they do is lie. They are criminals.

You just gotta love our jew controlled united states with their white ethnic cleansing operations.

The ability to think, period, versus just blindly obeying. THAT, I think, is what’s been lost, The shleeple just do what they’re told, they’ve been trained that it’s virtuous and good for society. Most folk simply don’t know "who" they are, and that is, free men and women. Learn "who" you are, break the chain.

Only one more week until all the blind watch dogs go back to, or “kickoff” their hibernation.I wonder what the nfl contract is worth?

Exactly ! That is hilarious and so spot on .

There is a aftermath video , which is fake as hell out there.Guy walking around checking on people.

Title should read, Breaking joe bigs gets 17 year contract extension with FBI.

Same as rent a crowd, sign a non disclosure agreement and on to the next one and a permanent occupation with DHS.