
Amen brother. The brainwashing is thorough & complete.

The problem with a mass physical uprising is that it provides easy false justification for the powers that shouldn’t be to bring in U.N. "peacekeeping" forces to take over which only serves to help them accelerate their NWO agenda. We are fighting a spiritual war which requires spiritual tactics and weaponry.

All. Mass murderers believe in gun confiscation.Mow Hitler ..

Totally staged. Working on a video on it.

I’d agree, towards the end when the man was sitting over the body there wasn’t any blood, when they cut to the wide shot there was a blood trail. Looks like Colonel Sanders isn’t a killer after all.

I wanna say this looks staged, with the all too familiar shaking camera that doesn’t focus on anything till after the blood trails have peen poured. Till someone can prove it’s real, I say fake.

Jade Helm 15 made sure nobody could rise up without the powers that be knowing instantly.

You’re 100% right! There will never, ever be any kind of uprising because the world is so divided. You need look any further than the political circus in Washington. We are divided on BLM, LGBTQRSTUV, the killing of babies. 99% of the population is clueless about what is coming our way and they will continue to support the poor Israelites.

Something I’ve noticed is most people I’m in contact with don’t believe the Covid vaccines are good but most everyone still believes that covid and the variants are a real thing. I have a younger brother who is in his early 60’s who says he was in such bad shape he thought he was going to die a couple of years ago because of covid. He said that this was something he’s never had before. What I told him was he is a lot older than when he had pneumonia in the past. He’s out of shape and has chronic breathing issues. He probably had a combination PNA, influenza, and RSV but the Md’s said it was covid. There are so many people who have experienced something different with their health and blamed it on covid.

He said in a video in 2017, that he was just following orders, it was just like him taking out the garbage, it is he that is garbage.

Even Jim Fetzer believes it’s over a billion.

This number doesn’t surprise me at all but where did you find it? It could be higher or lower but seriously it his number requires some digging.

I really like Dr Blaylock. But you can’t have a "variant" from something that never existed. And, the US deaths are much closet to 3 million, not 500,000.

You would have to be remorseless if you were a life-long black-ops assassin. At least he is speaking out. Wonder if they will kill him soon, or if they are content to try to discredit him.

Just like this guy, Hamas and Israel have biood on their hands

Spot on . Covid is and always was a complete hoax .

The once free and decent country is finished, no longer! We are now in a totalitarian state. There is no helping anyone apart from the people who did not take the death jab, we are a minority of the white population, but we are the truly logical thinkers, it seems now to me within the next ten years there will be civil unrest by different factions of the country as is started to be shown over the past week with the people on the streets supporting Palestine or Israel or other factions that are nothing to do with this once homogenized country and all of us should do nothing, not to fight, but only protect our people. As in this video, these two people you were trying to talk sense to are brain-dead fools, this is the majority of this country now fools. If it is death jabs or civil war let them destroy each other for they will, maybe then we can get back to a decent principled country. here’s the dennis wise clip again ( free account doesn’t last long, maybe i should register)

It’s a wayback machine link but it should work like i posted before (it works for me at least). I don’t know if Chuck Maultsby and the person you mention are the same sorry.

It’s not as if the virus no longer exists, it never existed in the first place, the virus that they still say exists has never been isolated and purified, whatever ailments that are out there after the rollout are the direct cause of this depopulation injection. This report is over a year old (no offense) but since then it is estimated that over a billion have died, of course none of these stats will be found on mainstream media sites. PS the variants are also an illusion.