
Spot on . Covid is and always was a complete hoax .

The once free and decent country is finished, no longer! We are now in a totalitarian state. There is no helping anyone apart from the people who did not take the death jab, we are a minority of the white population, but we are the truly logical thinkers, it seems now to me within the next ten years there will be civil unrest by different factions of the country as is started to be shown over the past week with the people on the streets supporting Palestine or Israel or other factions that are nothing to do with this once homogenized country and all of us should do nothing, not to fight, but only protect our people. As in this video, these two people you were trying to talk sense to are brain-dead fools, this is the majority of this country now fools. If it is death jabs or civil war let them destroy each other for they will, maybe then we can get back to a decent principled country. here’s the dennis wise clip again ( free account doesn’t last long, maybe i should register)

It’s a wayback machine link but it should work like i posted before (it works for me at least). I don’t know if Chuck Maultsby and the person you mention are the same sorry.

It’s not as if the virus no longer exists, it never existed in the first place, the virus that they still say exists has never been isolated and purified, whatever ailments that are out there after the rollout are the direct cause of this depopulation injection. This report is over a year old (no offense) but since then it is estimated that over a billion have died, of course none of these stats will be found on mainstream media sites. PS the variants are also an illusion.

People won’t rise up because everything is monitored and couldn’t organize any kind of a civilian militia or resistance if they tried, they would be taken down, the alleged plot to kidnap Governor Wretched Whitmer and the fake January insurrection are two examples of how the government staged these events and the sentences to discourage any citizen uprising, they know about all gun owners and their buying habits with regards to firearms and ammunition and their online posts and comments, everyone would have to rise up all once to be successful, so that is why you are right, it won’t happen.

The enemy army is called the civilian population of western countries. This will be done through vaccines, medicine, food and chemtrails

The 80 or so anti vax Naturopathic Doctors that were killed around 2015?

Nice cops, arresting a double homicide suspect in possession of a handgun at the scene without use of handcuffs. And why bother searching the old guy, respect the elder professor. Maybe he should drive.

And don’t forget about Aaron Salter, Jr. He was the supposed security guard at the Uvalde school shooting, just weeks before he was on the TV news, showing how he made his Tahoe run on water. It was on a local news broadcast. Look into it. Thank you for the video. Love the channel


Any method that would remove the metering boot from the necks of the people will not be allowed, even if technology would allow for abundant cheap energy someday in the future. We’re dealing with criminal, power hungry greed.

I don’t think Michael Jaco is buying any of this. LOL. He’s like "your recall is absolutely crisp!" rnloll

Personally I don’t get it, I only watched this video because of interviews James Files had previously given and I found them creditable at the time in 2017, but I don’t hear any remorse at all about killings and the bombings of airliners with innocent people on board, and being called a hero by these 2 horses asss. Brave maybe for telling the truth, but without remorse it means nothing which I had heard he had found God and that’s why the confession as I previously understood it, and then talking about how Che Guevara was a great guy. I guess when all the demons get together they probably call each other hero’s and pat each on the back as well. Despicable all of them IMO.

They are probably just proving a point, that the goyem will take the media narrative and run with it, no matter what the hell they do or say. It’s really unreal.

That’s fine, I won’t lose a second of sleep over Target not existing.

So you play the news like it’s real?.. come on noob.

hi there ray, long time no hear, i hope ya well. yes i wasn’t surprised they were doing it on government deep state controlled TESCO car park, that should tell people a lot, this store also remained running most of the time while independent shops had to close in lockdown. i’m gutted i didnt know about these vaccine pushers sooner or id of been playing speeches out of my megaphone to them, doubt it would of stopped the ultra pro destring to die jabbers.

target led the way to use whatever bathroom you want folks and their pedo kids section karma...i don’t shop the box stores anyway

Cold fusion is impossible! Impossible! Despite numerous (and repeated) experiments by (at one time but now ostracised) respected scientists, the science is settled - cold fusion does not exist! It was determined by a show of hands, on a governmentally regulated body - which, as we all know, is extremely scientific. That’s how the science works - just ask, ’I am the Science’, Dr Fauci.