Crisis Actor Parents at Vigil: the Southport Strong Hoax
Here are the parents of Alice Aguiar, wearing white and carrying the "ballet shoes" of their supposedly murdered daughter. Just as cheesy as Uvalde and all the rest. Who does this? This is such bad theater. These parents just had their daughter "stabbed to death" a couple of days ago - do they look remotely upset to you? Look at them smiling. These crisis actors are happy as hell, just waiting to get paid. The releasing of the balloons and cheering applause is just over the top mockery. Celebrating yet another successful psychological operation.
I did a post on the color coding seen in the Southport Hoax, it reminded me of the Athena Strand Murder/Manhunt Hoax held in Paradise, Texas in 2022.
Fake Mass Stabbing at the Hart Space yoga center, in Southport, England.
Performed on July 29, 2024
"Southport Strong"
- Category: Hoaxville Europe / Psyop,Alleged Knife Attack/ Stabbing
- Duration: 01:09
- Date: 2024-08-10 01:27:32
- Tags: southport england, fake stabbing, hoax, psyop, strong cities network, jwo, jews, vigil, government tyranny
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