
Who is this, and when and where did this take place?

The controllers couldn’t care less if Saddam was torturing his own people, he was taken out for wanting to sell oil for currency other than petrocurrency. People loved Gaddafi, he didn’t want to be part of the central banking system just like Assad who invited UN officials to come and investigate him and while they were there he decided to gas his own people with nothing to gain from doing so.............YEAH RIGHT!

I remember they did the same thing about 911......................IT WAS GREAT!!

since about the 1500’s...about every 10 years someone says the apocalypse is upon us. Don’t believe me? I guess I can add your name at the bottom of the list...of FAILS.

These are strong drugs. I relate to women who have taken such pills and how it has caused them various women issues. I am very much inclined to agree with you about the likelihood these pills will cause sterilization due to the medication itself over long-term use, but also, on the other hand, these drugs are very strong, and women get pains once taken and bleed so I think it is only logical just on the physical effects these pills cause on the women’s body over any great duration of use could cause long term sterilization due to several reasons.rnOnce again there is no ethics in doing this, there is no debate. It makes life cheap, not only for the embryo that will be destroyed but also makes the woman’s body cheap. A woman for ad infinitum has always needed to be careful with what she does and treat her body with respect, for being promiscuous could cause her to become pregnant by someone who she does not truly have respect and love for and the like, or cause her venereal disease before the times of antibiotics would most likely kill. rnI agree it is all part of the plan, for it will only be predominantly used by indigenous British women. rnSo very sad, women are more and more going to be sterilized in the mind of true loving human emotion with this evil, Life is love, not how many people you can try before you buy to be vulgar.

My two cents...its difficult to overstate the importance of the Canal Zone to the global shipping network. What profit is there in resisting the fascist regime? Of course we should defend ourselves against rape, murder and vaccines, but the main goal of the big business of shipping isn’t any of those things. But they aren’t going to allow little people like us to get in their way. So I’m Switzerland...neutral.

how they tell you how safe and convenient it is, how they sell it to the minds of the people, like it was safe and convenience to come and get your covid jabs, and we know how well that’s going. this guy was so delighted to understand that up to 10 million woman could be taking these pills that’s how he made the slip, then switched it to 10 million appointments, remember people like him are part of the sickening agendas unfolding, if he didn’t toe the line he would be gone, just like many other doctors who spoke out in the past 4 years.

Buffy the NWO Slayer ) - i love people funny dry sense of humour, made me lough, ha ha ha. i wonder if they do 2 for the price of one.

i could of used 10 coffins up already for people i know and friend’s that have died from these jabs. hey guys if someone askes you go guarantor encase they cant pay for the coffin, my advice is to say no, they are likely boosted up to fuck and you will foot the bill. lol.


Costco owned by masons btw. Walmart, = homeland security.

It’s a phony show!

That’s a good one!! Perhaps they know their will soon be a huge demand for coffins? Supply and demand. They want to get a part of the action??

As it was in the Days of Noah’s so shall it be in the Time of the return of Yahusha! They were Marrying and Giving in Marriage They were totally unaware of the time and peril they were in. Then the rain came and washed them all away. 10 Vergin s 5 wise 5 foolish. The wise were preparing to meet the Bridegroom. Peace and Joy..

Yup, the only real recourse is to replace this criminal government and take back the media and the banking system, etc.,etc.etc.. A very tall order, but it has to be done. This government and all its enablers are the problem, not the average propagandized, brain dead American.

Using a firearm for protection of one’s self family or property is prohibited on TV the internet and the courts, they want you dependant upon them and if you die in the process of waiting on justice, too bad.

You are far more valuable than my doctor (old doctor soon), who advised me to stop by Walgreens and get a knee brace for my ailing knee. All this after my numerous complaints that I suspected a medication being at fault. soon after, I quit the medication the problem reversed after two weeks and is nearly 100% gone after many months. This after a solid year of suffering! That was the story I related to "nurse ratchet" above. She refused to see my point, that I had conducted a scientific experiment and solved my own problem, after my doctor "denied the science". I also recently declined a request for the standard yearly checkup (money grab). I’ve jumped off the band wagon. I’ll decide if there really is a need, not them. I would have to say the medical establishment is great for the major things, major heart problems and the like, but they completely fail when it comes to the small stuff. Pill pushers, one and all. Thanks for your reply.

It’s always the same people who brainwash the masses with fake information

" is a nonprofit website that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics by providing original research on misinformation and hoaxes"rn2 " was launched in December 2003 by Brooks Jackson, a former Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, and CNN reporter who had covered Washington and national politics since 1970."rn3" It is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and is funded primarily by the Annenberg Foundation"rnrn4 "The Annenberg Foundation is a family foundation that provides funding and support to non-profit organizations in the United States and around the world.[2] Some of the Foundation’s core initiatives are the Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) project (now Annenberg Learner), which funds many educational television shows broadcast on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) public television in the United States as well as The Annenberg Community Beach House, The Annenberg Space for Photography, Metabolic Studio,, Wallis Annenberg PetSpace and the Wallis Annenberg Center for Performing Arts."rnrnThe founder or Annenberg Foundation "Walter Annenberg was born to a Jewish family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on March 13, 1908. The Annenberg family moved to Long Island, New York, in 1920,[8] and Walter attended high school at the Peddie School in Hightstown, New Jersey, graduating in 1927.[8] He dropped out of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, never attaining a college degree.[9] While in college, he was a member of Zeta Beta Tau, a traditionally Jewish fraternity."

Absolutely, explained perfectly in a nutshell. Gaddafi wanted to get off the control of the Petrodollar to a gold backed currency and they wouldn’t allow that so they took him out. The BRICS nations Brazil Russia India China South Africa are dropping the Petrodollar as well for a gold backed currency and you can expect to see war emanating from that decision. WW3.