
Very true, and also those vaccines, the heavy metals falling from the sky, and a lot of the other related poisonings going on, do help to make a person more sentetized to that system. Basically the same as what Lookoutfa Charlie talks about in all of his research. It all ties together at the top. Those who took the offers more, will feel more pain, and those who did not, will feel less. If you are within the grid, you’re still kinda fucked no matter what. Imo. I have yet to find a way to defend against these frequency weapons that is legitimate or that I trust fully.

Indeed, smart cities and 5g towers is a death sentence. They don’t even have to use vaccines anymore because most people will never realize what is really going on and why are they getting sick.

This is CGI

The shit may not happen if the owner uses superior coercive force, but the very people promoting the criminal behavior of these misunderstood folks, have also taken control of the government which judicates the outcome of these matters. Jan 6 protesters know this all too well. There is a price to pay when dealing with a criminally insane and tyrannical government.

When the Jews actively promote and "educate" certain special interest groups, to convince them they are victims of past inequities, similar to holocaust survivors, and thus are due compensation, this criminal activity can be expected. all criminals, have to justify their actions to be psychologically able to commit their crimes. I will answer Jarrett K’s question by saying in polite fashion, that black people of good common-sense, conducting their lives by a moral code, would call these less equipped unfortunates, niggers. I would fully agree with his solution. My home would be a very difficult (unhealthy) place for criminals to conduct such activity. Ecclesiastes 8:11 "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil".

I see a bunch of black scholars!!! They’re stereotypes for a reason. And if you didn’t use the word black, what other word would you use? I see them doing the same thing to Target and everywhere else. If that’s the shop owner, it is on fault for not having a gun on hand. None of this shit happens if he has a firearm.

And whatever happens down here, it isn’t looking to good. Things could explode any minute but this has ZERO to do with climate change. The demons all be lying and spinning crap again.

You guys are giving way to much credit to Panama and neglecting the obvious incident right before you. At a month without food, gas and propane, people are extremely pissed off. Both sides. People fighting the government and people just trying to stay alive with things gone lawless rogue style. The entire event feels like a psyop. Mayor’s of towns applaud the people closing the roads, the cops just sit along the checkpoints they would normally be checking everyone’s IDs, the president has all but disappeared. It’s a mix of setup to fake organic and then somehow pulled off. But even though the videos don’t look to good in terms of what we would expect, I have a hunch based on the feel of the people this could very much be real. People are already to riot over losing access to stuff. We shall see. The power of 153news is that we have a place we can discuss this as humans without being sniped off the net.

It’s honestly complete insanity spinning a mini rebellion into climate change. Imagine a world seeing a people stand up to their corrupt government. Instead it’s some retarded lie. Nobody down here gives a damn about climate change. We would like our skies back which they spray day and night but that’s it. But the cost of this rebellion has put everything on the black market. I actually dont mind. 1 gallon of gas is 10 bucks. Now that pirate gas is available, all the stores are restocking. Price just went up across the board. So very limited fuel and somehow the people are able to get it and resell the very small amount they get. If you stand in line for 3 days you can get $25 bucks worth only. It feels like the apocalypse and I am right at home... so far. I give the people no more than 3 weeks before everyone is pulling their guns. After seeing this and peoples view points on this particular event, I am now wondering if we auto hoax way to much. We need better reporting before calling everything a hoax.

Yeah people don’t care.

No mention of David Ben Gurion ordering the hit?

I recently had a discussion with a seasoned registered nurse while waiting at the airport. I asked her how things were going in the world of medicine. I was surprised that she immediately took a nurse ratchet stance, and with a kneejerk reply answered with the statement of "there are too many science deniers." We had a very revealing discussion without throwing any personal daggers either way. I came away with an understanding, my interpretation, that anyone still in the medical profession following the lie infested covid fiasco, is living in a world of denial, and cannot be trusted to make decisions in the best interest of their patients.

The trajectory of JFK’s head wound lines up perfectly with the storm drain.

I just viewed a video posted on YouTube from The Independent calling it a climate change protest. My response was this has nothing to do with CC, but according to someone who lives down there says it is about foreign mining companies like Canada removing natural resources from the country with no benefit to the Panamanian people whatever, and called it another fake news story by globalist who people parrot incessantly without even looking into it themselves. Forgive me for not looking into it myself as well, but I will believe the Boss who lives down there over any Fake Stream Globalist News Network. I hope I didn’t butcher the story. The comments from people who don’t have a clue are are the same bleating masses of Sheeple.

Why in 0ne video the man with white pants is shot and falls by the side of the road between the orange cone and a tire, but in the other he falls in the middle of the road?

These things were predicted in the Bible! All Mortal Men will stand before our Maker!! Most sooner than they realize. Will we like what he has to say to us? I really hope so!! Follow his instructions? Might be a great place to start? The 10 Commandments? The clean and unclean foods? Use his Calander? Keep his Sabboths? To obay is better than sacrifice!! Choose Wisely time is Short. We are in the time of the Devil’s Wrath! Soon to be in the Time of Yahuah’s Wrath. To be poured out Without Mixture. It’s going to be full strength not watered down. Check out Youtube Sabboths covenant channel . He had a video Jesus three Mark of the Beast. Excellent! He uses Wrong Roman pope calender. Not Yahuah’s Solar luner calender. But a must see. Si ki sigma. The name of the false image of the true Messiah Yahusha. Peace and much love

idk, but she looks like Austin Powers, that’s for sure! lol

Totally agree with this, she’s playing the part, just like Target/Star Wars/Bud Light, ect...rnThey are destroying the culture. This is just one step of a technocratic takeover, using the marxist handbook.

From my research, H Ford was actually a pretty based dude. A real man of the people.

Somehow I do not think they are going to make it that easy, or at least they might amend such harsh repercussions for doing so, that no one would dare do it anyways.