
Cold fusion is impossible! Impossible! Despite numerous (and repeated) experiments by (at one time but now ostracised) respected scientists, the science is settled - cold fusion does not exist! It was determined by a show of hands, on a governmentally regulated body - which, as we all know, is extremely scientific. That’s how the science works - just ask, ’I am the Science’, Dr Fauci.

Worst case scenario we will hack our own cars & deactivate this offensive technology.

Awesome brother.

Agree with multiple points. The other thing that stands out is we are supposed to believe people decided to start moving closer to a man waving gun and then argue with him. People don’t do that.

Coincidences surely. And yes I am being sarcastic. Informative compilation ,. Many thanks. Now where did I leave that perpetual motion machine ?

999 out of every 1000 lotters belong to the same group that is always so easily manipulated by their Jew masters . America deserves everything it gets and I love watching it being destroyed from the inside out each and every day .

Dude was right on the money yet has to deal with all the brainwashed brain dead American pieces of shit .

Revelation 9:6: "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

I’ll watch for your video on contributing via crypto. As is likely with many others here, I have no experience whatsoever with cryptocurrencies so will require direction.

All done by design.

And at 1:49 they even threw in some spinning ball earth just for funsies.

This kind of stuff could certainly be happening in Panama; however, this discussion involves this specific video. Here are the signs that raise suspicion:rnrn1. The video was dialed in on the old man well prior to him pulling the gun.rn2. The old man’s grip on the gun and his finger on the trigger makes one suspect that he has little to no experience with guns.rn3. The lady with the fishing pole continuously tries to hold the end of it in the direction of those who are speaking making one suspect that there is a microphone embedded in the end of it.rn4. No footage of someone actually being shot to avoid showing evidence.rn5. Camera lingers on the Coca Cola sign which a well-known 33 code.rn6. Notice the roadblock itself and how the stones are placed along the lane lines. If you are trying to block traffic, why would you place them parallel to the road instead of perpendicular?rnrnLet me know if I missed any, but it’s time for me to move onto the next video.

Yeah they have already used that excuse to shoot Palestinian youth with David slings and firecrackers. SYNAGOGUE of SATAN.

For now the Holy Spirit has called me to fight this spiritual war from within the belly of the beast. Living here and knowing what I know does greatly tax the spirit and one’s sanity though.

California? where they won’t go after you if it’s under a $ grand $ ? Gavin Newsome is a criminal, but this is not exclusive to Cali, was that Taylor Swift? I heard she had a KFC value meal, 2 left wings and no breast. Wait to see what happens if there is a food shortage, I hope everyone here is prepared and is armed.

So Jason, who has jurisdiction in Panama over highways, public roads, streets, or Interstate roads? might be a key factor how is financed or deliberated administratively or in a court. United States of Columbia?

I just came up with the idea to help people make the right choice. Helping people who may be wavering in the land of justification, to deny the jab. It’s a combination of a music video of a guy who seeks a second chance, along with evidence of some odd disorienting disease, let’s blame it on the jab.

WHY Did The Little Girl speak with a British Accent ???? Fake ! Fake ! FAKE !

Those were good.