
Ok that video is crazy! You definitely had my attention. What movie was that chick and the zombie guy from. If you built that entire video, you are the man. Extremely well done.

Are we headed for the Zombie Apocalypse? "COVID-19 vaccines" linked to brain degeneration.

Well, Bob would certainly know all about that.


I`ve seen kids fashion more believable "aliens" out of plasticine. That joe Public believes this CRAP shows the disdain the powers that shouldn`t be have for us.

BRILL ! Sadly these murderous bastards will almost escape justice until they peg it ,and stand before The Almighty. Then- in the immortal words of a hero of mine - a certain Robert Zimmerman ( aka Bob Dylan). and his 60`s masterpiece, Masters of war. "All the money you made will never buy back your soul "

Bodger52 ) - i read your comment, and agree with every word. i know we cant help the jabbers, some are just begging to die before there time for these jabs, like mis girlfriends dad, hes boosting and flu jabbing every year, but having a pop at these bastards is well deserved

Side Thorn Journalist ) - nice one, keep up your good work.

Good Riddance, and Too Bad more of these poison pushing oaffs are not already gone. Remember how they guilted and shamed and attempted to have everyone get force-vaxxd, using their supposed influence to coerce the stupid and the weak. They are the enemy, the definition of evil, oppression.

Good Riddance, and Too Bad more of these poison pushing oaffs are not already gone.

bitchuer FAKENUKES going huge on this, maaaany short news videos, cut down to bare-bones shortest possible time to clearly show total fakery -- rubber babies and other absurd insanity

truth is not "hate speech" except to haters of truth

We added a link to 153news atop -------- Suggestion -- add an RSS section that is just an HTML page of links directly to videos. That way they can be downloaded robotically, helping to ensure sanctity of info. ------------ Suggestion -- Add download link to each video, to allow would-be viewers to just grab the file and then play it later on their own computer. NGINX and APACHE can serve up video files far more efficiently than javascript players can piddle-out the data via streams. -------- Suggestion: turn on rate limiting and connection limiter to keep server load under control. People will naturally try-again and at odd/off times. -------- Suggestion: do not have the server recalc uploaded video into different formats --- simply require MP4 only, and only serve MP4 format, that is it, period -- make the uploaders conform and also the downloaders. The more variety you allow and enable, the more waste you must suffer. ------ Suggestion: require $1 monthly to download videos. ------- Suggestion: accept bitcoin payments. ----------- Suggestion: split site into foreground that only shows text, comments, links to videos; paid/back-end site that serves videos only to paid / logged-in members. Your monthly money worries will vanish overnight and stay gone.

BRAINSTORM movie 1970s w Christopher Walken.

Thatis verry worrisome bro. I hope u don’t view me as trying to convince anyone of anything. out of food is an impossibility; my agricultural experience would lend you some facts about local perceived fauna and flora; wherver travelled many sailors also arrived a supply chain to fallback upon when the more civilized foodgroups failed; i would advise u to fall back on french garden snails because that is why and who spread them around the world for that purpose, as more protein than a can of tuna, and hardy enough to eat ur garden of inedible flora: militia would expose u to much of this, since someone will eventually rob u of ur chickens if not Kernel Sanders. my thoughts on fake shootings arrived to the Mandalay Bay casino event where was a certain clerical police officer i encountered here in Los Angeles before she allegedly was killed in that shooting event, as though the crisis actors will surround a known target they would have a sniper shoot in order to load a few actual casualties among the fake deaths for them to directly propagandize upon.

Your comment regarding having no longer anything left to lose OMG is SO applicable in this all too obvious emergence of this LONG prophesied 666 One World Covenment. When I think of the freedoms my parents fought for ,only for a lousy treacherous/treasonous monarchy and parliament to literally give them away ,and allow an "invasion" force to be housed and funded ,ready for slipping the leash . when ordered. And our own damned "security" - cops and military - doing sweet F.A about it. Having said all that . We as a nation deserve to be taken down for all the moral filth and degeneracy we now promote and accept . NOT the nation I grew up in that`s for sure

Excellent work ! Boots on the ground !

The second video I posted immediately after posting this has the explanation in the description that the climate change activist narrative is nonsense. I would further add that saying ** supposedly shoots climate change activists** is not a validation of the narrative but reporting what the media alleges.

Maybe you missed this in the description of my second video on this hoax. ** They expect people to believe "climate activists" are blocking the roads in Panama.** I pointed out the climate change activists narrative was nonsense.

Problem is there are already tons of people like this guy fighting the protestors. The effects are all real. No food and the people are on the edge of starvation and its own people tearing it apart. Based on the situation down here and tensions, I think it happened. You will never convince 153news people of anything, ever. It’s unfortunate but we have been hoaxed so bad it’s impossible to really figure things out.