
You are far more valuable than my doctor (old doctor soon), who advised me to stop by Walgreens and get a knee brace for my ailing knee. All this after my numerous complaints that I suspected a medication being at fault. soon after, I quit the medication the problem reversed after two weeks and is nearly 100% gone after many months. This after a solid year of suffering! That was the story I related to "nurse ratchet" above. She refused to see my point, that I had conducted a scientific experiment and solved my own problem, after my doctor "denied the science". I also recently declined a request for the standard yearly checkup (money grab). I’ve jumped off the band wagon. I’ll decide if there really is a need, not them. I would have to say the medical establishment is great for the major things, major heart problems and the like, but they completely fail when it comes to the small stuff. Pill pushers, one and all. Thanks for your reply.

It’s always the same people who brainwash the masses with fake information

" is a nonprofit website that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics by providing original research on misinformation and hoaxes"rn2 " was launched in December 2003 by Brooks Jackson, a former Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, and CNN reporter who had covered Washington and national politics since 1970."rn3" It is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and is funded primarily by the Annenberg Foundation"rnrn4 "The Annenberg Foundation is a family foundation that provides funding and support to non-profit organizations in the United States and around the world.[2] Some of the Foundation’s core initiatives are the Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) project (now Annenberg Learner), which funds many educational television shows broadcast on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) public television in the United States as well as The Annenberg Community Beach House, The Annenberg Space for Photography, Metabolic Studio,, Wallis Annenberg PetSpace and the Wallis Annenberg Center for Performing Arts."rnrnThe founder or Annenberg Foundation "Walter Annenberg was born to a Jewish family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on March 13, 1908. The Annenberg family moved to Long Island, New York, in 1920,[8] and Walter attended high school at the Peddie School in Hightstown, New Jersey, graduating in 1927.[8] He dropped out of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, never attaining a college degree.[9] While in college, he was a member of Zeta Beta Tau, a traditionally Jewish fraternity."

Absolutely, explained perfectly in a nutshell. Gaddafi wanted to get off the control of the Petrodollar to a gold backed currency and they wouldn’t allow that so they took him out. The BRICS nations Brazil Russia India China South Africa are dropping the Petrodollar as well for a gold backed currency and you can expect to see war emanating from that decision. WW3.

True, Hollywood movie with cheap crisis actors on a budget

The best we can do is try to live healthy lives and use/consume foods and substances that assist in the removal of heavy metals in our bodies. I take a full body soak in CBD oil once per week. There are many good products out there being made by other awakened like us that can assist with periodically removing these toxins from our bodies. When they launch a full-out 5G attack, we will all want as little of this stuff present in our bodies as is feasible.

First you need an EMF meter to see what your dealing with and then the cheapest way would be to paint your walls with emf protection paint like "Y-Shield but you still need some fabric for the windows too Best option of course is to not live any cell phone towers, 4G is really really bad but 5G is a DARPA weapon. Don’t use wifi!

A point that the first caller makes which is false is that it was black powder which is what he was told by the media, for the purpose of saying we need to put more controls on the sale of black powder or modern propellent. This was neither, this was Hollywood special effects flash powder, and it only exploded upwards with flash and smoke, there was no shrapnel whatsoever, none of the flags were perforated and were quickly taken down so they could not be seen and photographed undamaged. This was a closed Hollywood film production with fake actors reporters and police.

Having a medical background, I too recommend steering clear of the medical and pharmaceutical industry to the extent possible. You need to do your own research and practice self-care as you cannot trust most of them for your long-term care. Steer clear of hospitals unless you have a true acute emergency such as stroke, heart attack, or extreme trauma.

Thanks friend.

Exactly. Very well stated.

Act now & save 25% when you bundle your coffin with your next Covid shot!

There is a related video out on the implementation of hostile architecture in subways and on streets to make life even more miserable for the homeless.

Totally agree...finding the right medical professionals for your own health can only be a few leading COVID related questions away. All you have to do is see their stance on the BULLSHIT to gauge if you want to proceed with this person as your healthcare provider. Western medicine as it is has little to offer outside of emergency treatment like after a car accident or trauma. However, even in the world of Naturopathic medicine , there are those who have caved to the beast system. As a medical professional, I tread lightly because I cannot trust the dumb sheep that go along with the mainstream bullshit. I test people daily to see where they stand. I will be happy to guide them, when they deserve it , to learn how to heal themselves without intervention. I am thankful for the souls here who helped guide me . Overall, the plandemic helped me re evaluate all the information in medical school . I see people like Dr. Tom Cowan as amazing practitioners who can see past all the years of indoctrination to learn and teach the true ways for people to heal themselves. It takes a truly open minded Doctor/teacher to see what were lies and what is established truth.

The powers that shouldn’t be get off on doing this shit to the gullible masses. And if you try to tell them they are being deceived, 99+% will fight to defend the matrix in which they are trapped.

Great work. Along with all the other evidence, this is enough to prove beyond doubt that this is another fake shooting with a fake premise.

The newsman’s expression on his face says, "I know it’s true, but I can’t say anything because I’ve been gagged."

In fact if you draw a line of sight from the rear sights to the front sight and end of barrel and draw a line just as they would do in forensics the path of the bullet (if there were one) would go over the participants head or by his head and there is no evidence that he is shot in the head or upper body and no physical reaction to being shot anywhere in his upper body and there would be little recoil from the type of handgun he is using, in fact it looks like he is using this cane or whatever it is to break his fall IMO.

Let’s not forget the morons at which at this moment says: Being vaccinated against COVID-19 helps protect pregnant people from severe COVID-19. When given during pregnancy. "Pregnant people" too woke to say pregnant women, that says allot in itself.

We always question as to why and for what purpose they would try and decive people? We don’t always have to know why immediately, we only have to know that they can and do, and history shows us this time and time again.