
I really hope we make it to 2025. This will be a year like 2020, so much propaganda in the media.

Don’t you just love their Airbnb accommodations?

Unfortunately there is no judicial system in this country anymore so people being charged with treason is out of the question.


Fuck this midget, they should ask him about the hand signs he does before getting up and giving one of his stupid talks in front of the camera. I can’t believe anybody listens to this little piece of trash. And then he stood there with a penguin mask on, and penguin is 33 in numerology. And the sad thing is nothing will probably happen to this guy because he’s part of the government. Thank you for the video I love the channel.

Poor Jews have to worship behind walls while kneeing on semen stained mattresses because nobody likes them.

We have to stop picking on the poor Jews......................haven’t they been through enough already.......................................I hope folks can recognize sarcasm.

Jus like going to type sumthing in search box and it pops up below even before you finish typing it

They attack us when we sleep! They can plant dreams too! They fry your body from inside out! They are attacking me every time cause I type fuk jew mf in search box plus they listening to you us through our mics on iPods ipads cell phones no joke its real.. He is spot on!!

If you burried a love one on your property you don’t have to pay taxes no more thats why they have cemetery now...look at all old cowboy movies people where free no plates on horses or wagon and even criminals got there guns back after jail time!!

Faaajew!fat asssss!! Looks like ur neck threw up

All gov official should be charged with treason

I think this holds for many more cases than we thought.

I can see the definite similarities with the Freemasons .

If your first name starts with a C we have been trying to get ahold of you. We can’t take checks that say 153news anymore. They shut down one account and still have the money frozen. I think we have 2 other checks and one has been returned....if this is you.

I thought it was a skit on Jimmy Kimmel or Howard Stern.

Born into slavery.

All the Apollo missions except 13 were without incident, everything worked perfectly, but Artemis has already blown up two rockets in two failed attempts, after 50 years of advanced technology? Uh-huh.

NASA stated that they ’LOST’ all the technical information and telemetry from the Apollo missions and that they are not capable of replicating it. This is a fact. And for some reason that I do not comprehend, everyone accepts this as an unfortunate incident or mistake of some kind. Cut me a break. The MOST important achievement in all of recorded mankind’s existence, a US national treasure, and a stepping stone to deep space, that was supposedly accomplished multiple times, with less than a Nintendo of electronics, can’t be replicated today? They take us all for fools because most people are.

Why? Why create a toxic mixture of lab created proteins, adjuvents, animal tissues, human fetus cells, chemical preservatives (and who knows what else) if it was all just for profit? Couldn’t they have just concocted some mysterious but nearly inert saline solution instead? If no one got sick or died, everyone would still be buying them every six months without question. It seems obvious to me that profit is only one of many motives.