

Still, the interviewer says if you have covid the last thing you want to do is put a mask over your face, as if covid really exists, just enough to push the weak minded off the fence to believe that covid is real, but I just better not wear a mask and instead take some other government approved solution.

NASA is their own worst enemy.

I sent a check for $100 on 12/26 and as of 1/10 it hasn’t cleared the bank yet. Hope it goes through ok. The last check I sent there was no problem.

I really don’t get it . Just to have the thousands of videos and documentaries that are censored everywhere else , right at your fingertips , is priceless ...

I love your work and absolutely fascinated by it - it links with past research I’ve done but not on your level of technical gift. Keep up the blessed work and look forward to seeing more brother

It’s going to be a sad day if 153 goes down, I was virtually broke when I started throwing in a few bucks every month, and I know many of you are in better place financially than I’am, please make a commitment to donate a dollar or more every month because censorship kills. One dollar isn’t even worth a dollar anymore, but it could be enough to keep this ship sailing.

It is true that there are all kinds of trash with various ideologies and skin colors and ethnic backgrounds, but these have been chosen by Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, George Soros, and their Jewish handlers because of their propensity for violence and their hatred for western values, we’re not talking about the corrupt things that this nation has become because in part of these vile leaders spoken of above, but what is left of what once was, and it doesn’t matter if they had bad parenting, and it doesn’t excuse them because they are being led by this gang of criminals to administer the final blows to America so that she can be absorbed into the NWO and it’s emerging Beast System, Joe Biden says they can’t stop it nor should they want to, and it’s where they derive their strength, and I have nothing but disdain for them and Joe Biden and his gang of criminals.

thxu for this vidya context, that Heaven is outstretched to receive the soles of man and this cult has reduced it’s order and profession down to mere Art of a hidden craft. i wonder how many intestines this craft put into concealed works for sale in grocery stores as animal biproducts. If ever the ant-Mason party was to recouperate, it would be likely founded by the same hidden hand.

I watched this again. The video of the women and children screaming was from a different incident not at the Brooklyn synagogue. I apologize for the mistake.

NASA. Never A Straight Answer

Great post. Ive followed her work and other scientific studies on good place to show people the dangers of cell phones.

The oaths they take talk about ripping out their intestines and other lovely stuff, if they break the rules.

What do the discuss about you?

So far, it appears that organic matter just doesn’t survive outside our magnetic field cocoon. rn

Of course they did, NASA lies about everything!! Thank you for the video.

Fucking Jews they discuss me

Moondoggle Boondoggle.

This is just another way to dumb down society. It’s a perfect plan, people would be more apt to never give up their phones than give a rats ass about the health of their children.

I am curious as what your views are. 7 thumbs up here which usually means the approval of the collective. If I was gonna rate this I would probably thumbs down it because without an investigation into all other skin colors and finding the repulsive bastards there that do this, it seems lopsided.